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Starving for a stamina mechanic . Diet .

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I'd like to see an implementation of a starvation, diet and stamina mechanic.

Starvation should be a key mechanic to this game.

Symptoms of starvation include : Dizziness , Irritability , muscle atrophy , fatigue , weakness , pain , lowered immune system , vitamin deficiency leading to diseases that cause diarrhea , rash and heart failure .

So In order to survive and thrive you will need your water , fats , carbohydrates , protein and vitamins .

Fats- Cow meat high in fat , fish low in fat .

Carbohydrates- in bread and other starch foods. ( Carbs let you run farther )

Protein- Fish is high in protein as well as deer .(Protein let you build muscle to carry more)

Vitamins- Fruits and vegetables provide most vitamins

Once there is a stamina system in the standalone which i believe there will be , eating high protein foods like fish and deer meat should increase your stamina as apposed to eating just fruits and veggies . However fruits and veggies or even vitamin tablets should protect you from vitamin deficiencies that would otherwise cause scurvy or other illnesses.

Thus having a balanced diet of fruits and meat will keep you the healthiest and give you greater endurance/stamina .

STARVATION : Based on some kind of hunger mechanic , (for ex: the vehicle fuel bar)

Fat bar : Your full and you keep eating , excess food causes slight decrease in movement and task performance

Full bar : Your full and healthy

3/4 bar : Your stomach growls , slight movement decrease , you perform tasks slightly slower (ex: bandaging , placing tent).,

Half bar : You perform tasks at 60% of full , you begin to get shakes (harder to aim) , you begin to stumble every few minutes or so when going anything faster than a walk , decreased movement speed even more .

Quarter bar: You perform tasks at 30% of full , you can only walk or slow jog , shakes , stumbling even when walking , moans from huger pain , slightly blurred vision.

Close to death bar : You perform tasks at 10% of full , shakes , you can only crawl slowly , blurred vision, moaning , frequent fainting , hallucinations , death after 10 or so minutes of this .

DEHYDRATION: After some time with no or little water you should start to fatigue by moving slower , blurry vision , stumbling , fainting , hallucinating and eventually death .

^These starvation mechanics would keep food and water a necessity even more so than they are now . The time in which it takes for each part of the process to effect you and how it does is up to the dev team , roughly I was thinking every 45 minutes the bar will drop from full to 3/4 and so on .

-Along with these mechanics , your character should look the way your fed .

*Every few hours your character should be analysed to figure out the majority of the time you spent in the full bar , half bar , close to death bar etc and tweak your character model to whatever you spent the majority of time in .

+For example if you are well fed and stocked with beans then your character will slowly gain weight as apposed to being malnourished in the red zone and having your character eventually looking like Gandhi . Sunken eyes should be for dehydrated players as well.

While typing about the character model being adjusted to fit it's eating habits i thought about how exercise should change your character as well ...

After an hour or so of running (taking incline into account) your character will gain slightly more muscle mass and look slightly more firm and athletic . So after days of running and hiking up mountains and swimming across lakes your character can eventually look like a professional athlete and be able to run faster and run longer than the newbies . Diet should have some effect on this physical fitness of your character , Ex: eat alot of chips and coke = gaining fat , losing muscle mass . You should not be able to run across a 200+ kilometer map without taking a break as a new spawn . Instead you should initially start with low athleticism ie: only able to sprint/run for a short time let's say 3 minutes . Then after running around in game for an hour or so you can now run for 5 minutes straight without a break , and so on . Eventually you should be able to run miles without stopping . #Water intake should need to increase when exercising#

I'm typing this all off the top of my head so excuse any spelling errors or clustered thoughts etc etc.

***These are my suggestions for the standalone that i think would have a positively fun/realistic/immersive impact on the game I hope they can be part of the game and atleast have something like this in the release . I'm sure there will be this is my thoughts on it .***

Edited by Zdudeski

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So In order to survive and thrive you will need your water , fats , carbohydrates , protein and vitamins .

Fats- Cow meat high in fat , fish low in fat .

Carbohydrates- in bread and other starch foods. ( Carbs let you run farther )

Protein- Fish is high in protein as well as deer .(Protein let you build muscle to carry more)

Vitamins- Fruits and vegetables provide most vitamins

So you're saing Pork'n'Beans is the ideal food for a survivor.

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Interesting. I won't attack your idea on its merits, but I will say that we have a food icon and a water icon. I think any stamina system should focus on these two.

I believe that sprinting currently drains your food and water faster. I know that hyperventilating due to fear/pain causes your food to drain faster. It's possible that hyperventilation triggers from running too far, too, but I don't know.

Maybe up the amount of food/water drain from sprinting. Up the amount of time spent hyperventilating after sprinting. Make it impossible to sprint while hyperventilating. Up the food drain from hyperventilating. And you've got a harsher stamina system built on the current one.

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