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Vehicles not saving?

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So i found two ghillie guys having fun with a Ural in middle of elektro and they got killed... stole their ural and went north the server was going to restart in 5 minutes so i save the ural and after the restart the ural wasnt there... lost Pipe bombs that were in the Ural :(. When will they fix this?

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No time frame on a fix for this, as of now it effects tents as well. Just be patient, it'll come soon enough :)

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Nice to hear bug is known, never seen a post about it so i kept debating weather to make a post.

Lost many vehicles to this.

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Whell i feel bad... lost the Ural and found a Motorbike now but i know that it will disapear.

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Yeah this happens more often now? Or is it random and I have just been unlucky lately? Does anyone know if the vehicles go to some previous save or re-spawn in one of the spawn areas?

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Yea ive been battling this for awhile, near as i can tell vehicles go back to original spawn point on server restart. Lost the same uaz after fixing and transporting it 3 times :(

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