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server questions about direct chat/ global chat and voice chat also battleeye

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hello everyone

i got a few question regarding installment of my server + battleeye questions

how do i enable the voice chat on all channels except the global channel?

voice chat is currently blocked and global chat is on

i want direct communication to work with voicechat and global not,

also i want better protection against hackers, cause at the moment with those latest vehiclecreation.log or something i can find some hackers, butr not all

stil having teleporters around and as50 thermal hackers! please explain me or help me! i really want NL 53 to be safe for ppl

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and how do i turn voice chat on/ and off / and global chat on / or off?

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you wont be able to disable voip for cetain channels. you can only disable it totally on the server.

Global chat is part of arma and you cannot remove that either.

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how can you turn the bandid/humanity thing off it keeps bugging shit, falling of bycycles and all

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