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Im having trouble understanding this....

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My question is when you respawn I start with like -130k Humainity

I don't get how is it possible to get the "Hero" Skin if you start with that much?

Is it just me or is it everyone eles aswell?

Thanks for reading and please comment.

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You humanity is persistent too.

So you have obv. killed a lot of people with some of your previous characters.

Stop killing other survivors everytime you play? And start killing bandits and giving morphine/blood transfusions to start getting positive humanity.

You have -130k for a reason!

Edited by GeordieMarv

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You humanity is persistent too.

So you have obv. killed a lot of people with some of your previous characters.

Stop killing other survivors everytime you play? And start killing bandits and giving morphine/blood transfusions to start getting positive humanity.

You have -130k for a reason!

Ah hahaha alright didn't relise that it went betewen lives hahaha thanks for the help my beans to you! :D

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You still lose humanity by killing bandits. My group only kills well armed players/ bandits and my humanity is -200,000k. You just deal with it.

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-200 000K ? 2 000 000 wow that's a bunch of bad karma.

Bandits may have up to +2k humanity, and if you kill a bandit with positive humanity, you lose some.

I personnaly have the hero outfit, but that makes me a target of choice for the bandits. I used to be non violent, and even kind, helping people getting rid of zombies, healing them, etc... Now everyone shoot at me on sight, I do the same for the towelheads (aka bandits).

Edited by Kehlian

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