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Will "Checkpoint" solve the "Coward Quit"?

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Hi guys!

Last week my friend and I found a bandit in Cherno. He did not see us, so we went looking for him and realized that he had entered a building. We decided to flank the building. We were on opposite sides when suddenly my friend was shot and killed, but the robber did not know there was another player, me. So I did what I should have done, hit a shot in his neck, but before falling through and dying, he disconnected. Slutty, no?

So because of this, I ask the other members of the community which the opinion about the following suggestion:

The game saves the profile of each player only at checkpoints. Checkpoints that may be every 10 or 15 or 30 minutes, whatever. If the player before disconnecting it, he will lose all he got from your last checkpoint.

Does this will resolve situations where a player disconnects before dying, to avoid that all your items are picked up by their respective murderer?

Sorry for the bad english.

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I'd say, Alt-F4 or any other way of quitting the game, should leave your character in the game for another 2-4 seconds, But this has something to do with the Engine.. and prolly not something they can add into this mod,

Wait and see for the standalone :)

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It's one of the better suggestions, whereas most do not understand the mechanics of alt+f4, but seems harsh for those that genuinly lose their connection.

Also, I've gone hours without picking anything up so I wonder what the actual effect would be?

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what if your power goes out before a checkpoint and you lose some sweet loot you scored just 40 seconds before?

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simply put - you can come up with whatever you want, but do you know that it's possible in the engine? (although sugestions are great and important, but this feels like thread nr. 1000)

the most realistic solution would be something like "disconnecting in 10 seconds" and so on - the fact that we don't have that now is probably because it's not that easy as it sounds or there are too many ways to get around that - or it's still not important enough

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holy SHIT no to checkpoints..

that garbage belongs on the shit consoles breed of games it came from..

Did you even read the thread?

Kneejerking assholes could learn or thing or two if you absorbed information before you commented on it.

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This already happens some with the buggy hive. I've gotten killed before and when I go to play next, I'm alive again like 10 minutes before I died.

Plus what if I'm playing an I find a SUPER awesome gun, then I lose internet. If hive hasn't saved for 15 minutes then I'm fucked because chances are when I go to play next that gun wouldn't be there.

Alt+F4'ers are annoying as hell, but I think this would in general be worse.

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