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Hi there, so it's been an ongoing problem that we all looking forward to be fixed.

Im talking about tent's not saving content properly. However, I noticed that it is not general problem and you can't simply state that : all servers running don't save tents content. For example Im sure lu180 DOES save a content of tents.

So I would like to know, Do any of you have a similar experience that you actually know of servers that saves content of tent??

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in my experience you can save content once, at the initial save. If you come back to the same tent ater the server has restarted and try to add more content & re-save the content is lost on next restart, occasionally none of the content is saved at all.. its all pretty hit and miss..

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We are running on US 23 and when we reverted back to all of our vehicles except 1 offroad pickup reset back to their spawn points. Now all tents save properly and all vehicles save properly.

Our chopper even respawned on the island that we had crashed soon as we reverted back.

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So just to clarify, items stored in your tent and also your tent itself are always lost/deleted after a server restarts?

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