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My helicopter exploded mid-flight

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this just happened moments ago in on GB #500 [</3] RUSTY! something

all my loot was in there so if anyone can find him and ban that hacker

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Ban a hacker? for shooting you in your little chopper?

Only takes one shot by AS50..

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i was really high up and was driving around,highly unlikely it was a sniper i noticed weird activity before in that server aswell

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you obviously hit a bird in mid-air.

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Choppers aren't exactly subtle. You can hear and see them from a great distance, and .50 cal snipers shoot accurately at great distances...

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i doubt anyone with a as50 would stand in the middle of a forest somewhere waiting for me to go by but like i said the server had experienced hacks earlier

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They weren't necessarily waiting for you to go by, but considering how visible you are in a chopper and the radius around you from which you can easily been seen when flying, it's not all that difficult to imagine someone happened to see you and shot at you.

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Yeah, most likely pegged by a sniper. From a far distance, you probably wouldn't even hear the shot.

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Indeed. I agree you got taken by a sniper.

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For there to be a Ban in Dayz there has to be proof.

Proof can be server logs that show scripting activity, video recordings of hacking, or other similar proof worthy documentation..

From reading your post I can see you have exactly 0 proof. In fact, you don't even know if it was a legitimate gun shot that took you down.. you're just assuming it was a hacker.

I'm sorry for your chopper but DayZ is not a nice game. You flew it up in an obvious area and made your self a target. Yes, you may have been really high up, but if you could see the ground then the people on the ground could see and hear you..

I don't see how you expect not to be shot at or shot down.

Have fun earning all your stuff back.

Edited by IIII_joshua

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as50s can buck down fully repaired choppers. However, I've tanked like 5 or 10 shots + tons of other bullets no problem. Might have been m107 rounds from the as50s I've been shot by but still choppers have some decent armor. the ones ive used stay green under super heavy fire and then the damage is showed next time i land. then i scroll over save and jump back in and it repairs it back to full green lol.

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