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Trade: AS50 w/5 Nato rounds

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Hey guys,

I found a Heli crash site that had two AS50's with five total mags. I'm not the sniping kind, but I've noticed that most people are. I will gladly trade my AS50 for one of the following:

1. L85 w/ at least one clip to use until I can gather more.

2. M4A1 CCO w/ same

3. MK48 Mod 0 w/same

Let me know if you are interested and we can set the trade up.

* I will also take a slightly more common gun (make a suggestion) with a pair of NVG's. I haven't seen a pair in the game yet, and I've only seen one GPS. I must have some shitty luck because all I can find at the Airstrip is AKM's and AK's. I've found about 6 Heli crashes and I can't find NVG's there either. Anyways, that's on the table too.

** Now that I think about it, I may take NVG's and Ghillie Suit. Depends if anyone else is interested. I'm done now...I think.

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Hi I hve nv goggles range finder I can trade with you although I think nvg on there own maybe worth te as50? Let me know what you think I'll be online about 7pm gmt time. I won't trade my gun cause it's the only one I've ever found m4a1 cco SD!! I love it much more than the l85. :)

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Yea, NVG's on their own are probably worth the AS50. I've only found those two at that one Heli crash, but I haven't found a single pair of NVG's yet! I'll take that trade if you don't want to give up your weapon, unless someone else offers one of the 3 weapons before then. I will be on around 8 EST. I'm not sure what time that will be GMT (forgive my ignorance). If there isn't a better offer before then, than it's all yours. Thanks man! Those NVG's will save me from jacking my gamma and brightness all the way up every time I play in the dark....haha.

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I REALLY want that L85. It's the only gun that I care about in the game and I can't find it. I've done 1 billion Stary Sobor sweeps and I just can't find it. Plenty of FAL's, though. Still haven't found a single machine gun, either. I must play some shitty servers or I must have shitty luck. Probably both.

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I REALLY want that L85. It's the only gun that I care about in the game and I can't find it. I've done 1 billion Stary Sobor sweeps and I just can't find it. Plenty of FAL's, though. Still haven't found a single machine gun, either. I must play some shitty servers or I must have shitty luck. Probably both.

if you trade that guy the NVGs and range finders then I will trade you an L85 for the Rangefinders

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You have a deal, Batflaps. That way, everyone wins.

Cool man, well I'll check back here. Just gonna get on way to camp.

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Now all I need to do is figure out the time difference and a good server to not get my fucking head blown off while making the trade, because if I die before, during, or shortly after getting that weapon....I will unplug my new computer, walk it out to the lake behind my house, and throw it in. Not really...but really.

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I am more than fine with that deal. The l85 is good for thermal and very usefull but in my experience the silence cco is so much better for kills but yes the thermal is awesome and

Saves me

A few times

Untill I was shot in the

Back while fill my water bottle

Up! There are

Quite a few

Around ATM but mainly with players/bandits. Where shall we set the meet? Are you both genuine?

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yes, I will be on tonight at around 8 P.M. EST. I play very late into the night, so meeting up shouldn't be hard. I'll get back on here and give out server details (feel free to do the same if you have a good server) and we can hammer it all out. It's currently 7:00 A.M. EST right now...so in about 12 hrs. I'll be able to make that trade...unless it needs to be sooner...then I'll log on now.

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I also have 0 murders in the two weeks I've had the game...you will see my hero skin. So I'm not in it for that, I just want to make a trade and get that L85! I can taste it now...

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It's 12pm in the afternoon here so will be on in 7hours? I know 2 very good servers but we can discus later what server. Obviously after I trade I have a

Cz550 I don't want did you want this at all?

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Nah, after I trade with Bats I won't need the Cz550. I hate sniping. Thanks for the offer, though. I'll be on at about 10:00 P.M. your time, if you will still be on. I'll update this thread as the day goes to let both of you know. I have work, otherwise I could do it whenever. I don't have work tomorrow, so if tonight isn't good than tomorrow I can do it whenever.

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um Im on just now but will be going off for a bit, most likely soon! I will be on later on tonight, and yeah Im in Scotland so its 12:30pm here.

Can get the 3 of us on skype and just do it all at the same time if use prefer?

PS. I dont murder for no reason. Last time I murdered someone was because they shot at my with a AS50... and missed ;) Later that day I was blown up by a friends grenade. GG xD

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yes, sounds good guys. You are in similar time zones, so tonight will be good. I'll message you guys on here and we can set up skype. Thanks again, boys.

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