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US 2315: admin abuse and base destruction!

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US 2315 by Bloodline

Admin's kicked myself and a few of my friends off the server after we destroyed their camp/vehicles. Video has all the evidence, it's about six minutes long.

First few minutes has me hitting "i" for the server info, and the kick's start shortly after. The last few minutes just has us rejoining and getting kicked multiple times.

Video should be live in about half an hour after this post was made.

Server Name: US 2315

(Your) Timezone: GMT -6

Date/Time: 9:13pm monday august 20th, 2012.

Server Administrator('s): BL BloodyBurn

What happened: destroyed base/vehicles, we all get repeatadly kicked


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Wrong section.

Is it really so hard to read where each topic goes?

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May i ask how you where able to find the clan site? and also able to know where it was going? you where just there you did not really show how you got there so i am just asking to show that to and if you where just kicked and not ban i am kind of sure its not

admin abuse

and also.. its .4 so.. kind of sure it will not matter when the server is reset when day z able to fix w/e is going on with the servers but i mean.. you can cry all you would like that someone random in the clan kicked you and your friends and did not ban you as i am the only one able to ban on the server so feel free to come back and play and sorry you where kicked .. but plz don't cry on the server about a kick as you did blow the stuff up it was killed. But as the server will do a 24 hr reset to help fix the prob day z having everything you may kill in w/e server you may drop in on and follow for 15000m will come back and so.. as i did say.. go ahead and come back if you would like ken now if you would plz i have better things to do and care about some guy crying about being kicked.

Clan Leader


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Dafuck did I just read.

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Seriously, all I had to do was google to discover who is in your clan and then just use DayZ commander to figure out where they were. And when you ban someone, you automatically get kicked! :o

You might want to go get your autism assessed and maybe take some classes on spelling/grammar/basic English. I'm with SqTH in not being able to understand you.

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I love how you cut out the fact that there was a major death pool right before that where a hacker nuked electro oh and guess what bitches ((I KICKED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!)) but again nice fucking cut of the hacker that was in the server which we thought teleported to us.

ps. cry more bitches

"Let's log in as one of them it will be soooo easy.....oh i was kicked...." yea buddy your not smart i knew you weren't him buddy so before you go around again trying to be a dick because we saw your other posts of jsut trying to get kicked from servers try to not abuse the videos by only showing the parts you want so that you can lie

Edited by Deadlyburn
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Just out of curiosity, why does your clan keep going to the same servers that ban you because you troll and then come on here and cry about it? Stay off peoples servers that don't want you, and stop crying and acting like a little girl.

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Hey deadly, nice excuse. Apparently there is always a mass killing hacker conveniently before the video in which you abuse your powers. Never mind that there is no point in filling my small hard drive up with gigabytes worth of video in which nothing happens except we run north wards. I also noticed you guys went from fully updated to the latest in day z and beta patch to an older patch of each. Yesterday night I was on and you did this, I saw john and a player named nexus both getting kicked for battle eye not responding and one for being globally banned. Obviously you were hacking in more items and got battleeye busted.

So john, we don't do this to every server. We do this to you because you still don't play fair and by the rules and until you quit dicking around and playing the game fair like the majority if other players, expect us to be watching and recording because we will keep catching you cheating scum.

ps: sent in a ticket to your server host with a video of your abuse. you went from jgservers to vilayer to Hfb or whatever? Doesbt seem suspicious at all.

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Uhh, yeah, it was an admin kick.

Deadlyburn admitted to kicking me too. You log in to the server as admin to kick and such.

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Hmm First I would like to say, Its there server, they pay with there own money and get no profit in return other than hackers that join and ruin play for everyone else, Secondly, impersonating a clan in most games is a banable offence. if I were to make a clan and you guys came in as not in the clan I would ban you or ask you to change it then ban you.

Thirdly. Calling ALL BL clan members pussy is out of context and that should have been removed or silenced during the video, If it was you that exploded and lost EVERYTHING after days or weeks or months of work gathering materials, you would be pissed to, and would do something about it, obviously they were pissed as hell and decided to do something about it.

Also, You should consider your self lucky your not dead and spawned on the coast with a flashlight and a bandage. There are over 1000 servers out there and it is in your eyes that 1 less should be removed. Could you imagine if there were another 1000 retards like you guys doing this, Dayz wouldn't be alive because every server would be black listed or deleted. If you got pissed off over this, Join a different server, you guys are all obviously equipped to the shit house so what's the point in looting or stealing anything. If you want dayz to go downhill Please encourage more people to be like you and get rid of every server out there because some of us actually love playing the game and are great full that people actually host servers that most times don't make a profit on.

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Hmm First I would like to say, Its there server, they pay with there own money and get no profit in return other than hackers that join and ruin play for everyone else, Secondly, impersonating a clan in most games is a banable offence. if I were to make a clan and you guys came in as not in the clan I would ban you or ask you to change it then ban you.

Thirdly. Calling ALL BL clan members pussy is out of context and that should have been removed or silenced during the video, If it was you that exploded and lost EVERYTHING after days or weeks or months of work gathering materials, you would be pissed to, and would do something about it, obviously they were pissed as hell and decided to do something about it.

Also, You should consider your self lucky your not dead and spawned on the coast with a flashlight and a bandage. There are over 1000 servers out there and it is in your eyes that 1 less should be removed. Could you imagine if there were another 1000 retards like you guys doing this, Dayz wouldn't be alive because every server would be black listed or deleted. If you got pissed off over this, Join a different server, you guys are all obviously equipped to the shit house so what's the point in looting or stealing anything. If you want dayz to go downhill Please encourage more people to be like you and get rid of every server out there because some of us actually love playing the game and are great full that people actually host servers that most times don't make a profit on.

None of that matters, because by having their server on the Hive they agreed to the hosting rules. Rule Number 11 to be specific.

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Hahahahahhaha. Yeah okay buddy. You misunderstand why we want your server removed. Your server host has a track record of abusing his power with everything from locking servers, banning for bull shit reasons, and hiding servers in janky ass patch beta combos. I have proof of these. Ones I don't have proof (yet) is that soneones hacking in shit for you failures. Why do three quarters of your clannies have thermal as50s? And don't give me any shit about months of farming. You put up a new server and in three days have eleven tents four vehicles and a working fully fueled chopper. All because you play from the privacy of a hidden or locked server. Sure sometimes you update to the latest patch but we see you restarting and messing with the versions. We will continue ruining your day until you play fair.

Hail Jarl.Edit: spelling, typed from a phone.

Edited by treesquid

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It's amazing how blatantly you will lie about things. "Major death pool" - reeeaaalllyy? And speaking of hacking, I also found a few hacked items on your dead clanmates! Including one of the AS50 TWS. Also like watching you switch the server back to .... It's shitty people like you that wreck this game.

Edited by Maxximarxamus

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I can tell you how we got the as50 because I was there when a hacker failed at killing 3 of us. He killed 2 and one managed to hit him and kill him, then he was banned. We looted his stuff of course. I'm not admin of the server and as an admin you don't get any other privileges other than ban and kick players, battle eye is all the same, you can get banned from battle eye for scripts and hacks from your own server, so there is no point to hack on your own server. As of the switching through versions, it seems that dayz is better than as of saving vehicles and tents actually work on .4 and don't work on .5 at all, so the reason of changing is that we can actually keep out items in our tents. As of all the vehicles we open a server and we all join and the first thing we do is establish a camp and get the cars we can. its not hacking its fucking smart you obviously want the advantage over players. Ask anyone if they do this and i guarantee they will say yes they go get a camp and get the vehicles then go out and kill zombies and PvP. If your so intent of destroying dayz servers keep following up this post and I urge others to be like you so no servers are on and we cant play this great mod. Its kids like you that destroy great games like this so no one can play, its like if you cant win no one can. its good people like him that have the fucking balls to purchase a server and keep the fucking game alive so people like you can go out of there way to shut a server down after you got kicked a few times. I don't understand why your making this such a big deal there are thousands of other servers join another one cry me a river and get the fuck over it.

Edited by noddy012345

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