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Hacker on US 1383

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Terrible griefer nuking the city, his player model glowing green, and with god mode on. Saw him and attempted to kill him before leaving the server. He was AFK and still couldn't be killed. The center of Elektro had most buildings destroyed. This happened at 11:55 PM US Eastern time.

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Im a admin on us 1383 , it would be really good if you could tell me the hackers name i can go threw the logs and ip ban him.

3 people have been ip ban yesterday when i wasn't on so we may of already got him

I hope this event didn't deture you from our server, when admins are online we do run a tight ship.

Best regards


us 1383 admin

Edited by reggie1324

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He's probably the guy above me that called me "Tom Brokaw".

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His peen must be infantile. That's why he hacks.

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