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Adventures of Moose and Freeze

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I thought I'd post up some [hopefully] interesting stories of the adventures of myself (Freeze) and my partner, Moose. I apologize for the long read.

When I first started, I had watched many Day Z gameplay videos and roughly knew what I wanted to do from the beginning. I wanted to hit Stary Sobor followed by the NW Airfield. Unfortunate, all I managed to find before heading inland was a compass. Unfamiliar with any locations in Chernaurus I simply blundered North West. I managed to find plenty of supplies along the way, including a G17 with several mags in a deer stand. After finding that, I fell in love with deer stands, making sure I hit them whenever I found them. I trekked for days north west, looting towns as I passed through. I found a Winchester, the first primary weapon I managed to find, in a barn with several slugs. I came upon a large town not knowing that it was actually Stary Sobor. My roommate, Moose, came into the room and began watching over my shoulder when I entered the town, and as I looted I noticed some movement. There was another survivor, the first I had seen out here, up in industry building. In all the gameplay videos I watched, the player talked about killing other survivors as they are a dangerous risk simply by being present.

With this mantra sharp in my mind as well as having Moose watching over my shoulder, I felt obligated to end the players life. I opened fire and the first two shots both missed, striking the guard railing around him. He started to take cover and I went to flank him. I sprinted up the stairs level with him, and opened fire. He dumped a full magazine in my direction. My shots connected, knocking him down, and a double tap to the head ensured he was dead. Unfortunately, he had managed to hit me several times, breaking bones and causing heavy bleeding. I passed out and bled out before recovering.

This experience caused me to re-evaluate how I played, notably in relation to other survivors. I decided that I would simply avoid conflict and only attack another player if escape is impossible.

After realizing that I was actually in Stary sobor, I decided to head back. I skipped looking for equipment on the coast and headed directly inland. Navigating by shadows I roughly headed north. Along the way I found an AKM but ended up missing Stary and hit the northern border of the map. Recognizing the edge allowed me to accurately navigate to Stary Sobor. During this time, I was still searching for a reliable server (I prefer to stay with the same server if possible), and ended up on a very low populated server. My plan was to blow through the military camp, thinking that low populated would mean nobody would be anywhere near me. The server was lowly populated due to pitch black nighttime, but I figured I'd use the cover of night to my advantage. However, I got lazy, and decided I would just throw flares all over town, which would prevent anyone who could see them from being able to pinpoint my location. I have a thing for M4's and M16's, so when I saw one in a tent I absolutely could not resist. As I switched the AKM for an M4, I decided to clean up my inventory. As I did, I heard the worst sound ever: clear steady foot steps. I jammed the esc key and spun towards the entrance of the tent right as an assault rifle began to poke through and squeezed the trigger. One M4 shot rang out before 20 AK rounds found my body, killing me instantly. I don't even know if I hit the other guy.

I was so mad, mostly at myself. I felt so stupid for purposely joining a low pop server in order to avoid confrontation, and even worse that it completely backfired.

I learned to stay cautious, expect the worst, and never let your guard down, as well as never spend much time when going through high traffic areas.

My third character went much better. I again started immediately inland with no supplies, but through towns managed to find a map, and finally a compass. I decided to avoid towns unless necessary and hit deer stands for weapons and ammo. I basically went from deer stand to deer stand, and usually just logged out in them when I was done for the day. That was, until one incident. I logged in, and immediately noticed an AK74. I thought it was strange since normally no loot spawned where I did, but thought maybe I was just lucky. I picked it up, and suddenly noticed hands crawling up the ladder. It scared the living crap out of me! He immediately went back down after seeing me andI thought for sure I was screwed since there was no where I could go. I ducked behind the wall, and waited for death. I stuck my head up, he was behind a tree, leaning out and looking at me. For probably three minutes, I'd pop up, he'd lean out, lean back, I'd pop back down, and then repeated the process. Finally I yelled "at the deer stand, I won't shoot if you won't" He said he wouldn't and that I had scared him shitless as there was nobody in the stand when he began to climb the ladder. He asked if I needed anything, I said "no" and asked if he did, he said "no" as well, and we both went our separate ways.

Maybe I shouldn't have hesitated and shot him, but that behavior hadn't gotten me very far and what I chose happened to work out. I realized I needed to pick better places to log out next time.

A day later, I finally found a good "home" server, and was going through my routine of hitting deer stands. By now I had picked up an AKM and several magazines. I was searching a stand that overlooked a small town, and was reading the conversation between several guys. They were talking about loot spawns. Suddenly I noticed a survivor approaching the town I was near. I froze in the deer stand, hoping he would just hit the town and move on and stay away from me, as there was absolutely no way I could make it down the ladder and away before he'd see me. Unfortunately, he came straight for my stand. I made the decision that I had to kill him. I waited till he was about 20meters from the stand, then popped up and drove 10 AK47 rounds into his body. He was killed instantly, and identified himself with a simple =( in the chat. I realized he was one of the guys talking about the loot spawns, which made me feel awful. I hid his body without looting in order to give him a proper "burial" and continued on.

Soon after, Moose gets Day Z. I dreaded trying to meet up with him, as I was in the middle of the map and he would be on the coast. In the 20 hours of gameplay I'd accumulated by now, I'd never seen any kind of vehicle. However, Moose logs on and finds a fully functioning dirt bike within 20 minutes of playing!

We finally met which was easy due to the speed of traveling by dirt bike as well as luck that we ended up in the same area. We terrorized the northern part of the map, hitting deer stands, towns, etc... and drove the dirt bike into the ground. With a broken wheel and empty gas we stashed it and continued on foot. By this point I'd found a GPS, a G17, an AKS, and plenty of supplies and ammo. We decide to hit my bad luck spot: Stary Sobor. Our plan was that I would lay nearby and keep watch, he would grab the loot. As we went over the plan, we noticed movement: a survivor crawling out of the military camp. Moose wanted to fire, I wanted to let him pass. As we argued over what to do, he had crawled away. Then we saw him crawling back. We decided that we should shoot, as he probably had all the good loot and was going back for more. We waiting and he entered a perfect position. We opened fire, several AK74 rounds and winchester slugs tore apart his body. We looked around for any friends, found none, and headed down to claim our reward. Finally our first success.


When we found the body, we realized a huge mistake... it wasn't the player we saw crawling back to the camp... it was a zombie, which was wearing similar colored clothing. We risked doing a quick sweep of the camp while we were there, which unfortunately caught the attention of several zombies. After a gun fight in the middle of the camp, we grabbed a meager selection of ammo and supplies and ran for the hills. I knew we spent too much time there and were too noisy to call that a real success, we should only be happy we survived. We needed food and found a goat nearby to kill for food. After we left, we noticed some chatter about a "noisy group in Stary." Thinking it was us, we laughed and enjoyed out fresh goat meat. It was great, right up until a gunshot sent a rifle round right past our heads. Without saying a word we both took off running. The guy we had [thought] we killed in the camp had attempted his revenge. Luck was on our side and we managed to get away. We still have not had a good experience at Stary, although a successful run at the airfield has left us well armed.

I will update with more stories (probably of failure) as they emerge.

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