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Uneven movements when aiming

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I realize that my mouse is not the best mouse so to speak, but the jerky uneven aiming when looking down a scope or looking down the iron sight seem too bad to be the fault of my mouse.

It is as if even slow movement have the aim to move incrementally instead of moving smoothly to the side.

This effect is very apparent when setting mouse smoothing to 0,1 or some low value.

Perhaps I should use a large degree of mouse smoothing? I just want to aim properly.

Not sure what could be wrong here.

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The aiming on Arma II is very "clunky", not well "connected", it's the engine I'm afraid. You can play with the smoothing and rates to get it better than standard, but at the end of the day it's just not that well built for first person shooter aiming / shooting. I think the focus was on realism with the ballistics engine, not so much the "run and gun" type play.

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Also breaking from a flat sprint to iron sight and fire isn't going to give you good results.

Beyond that the longer you hold your breathe (that zoom in feature) while your trying steady shots the more its gunna shake.

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The iron sights in this game are pretty horrible. It's much more efficient to fire from the hip using zoom IMO.

As for your mouse control... Turn smoothing OFF, it's horrible. Not helpful at all. Also, make sure you're getting decent FPS as low FPS makes the game feel unresponsive.

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I am aware of how the accuracy for aiming becomes worse when moving around, but my issue is not not about that feature.

I guess I can play alittle with zero, half and full mouse smoothing and see if I find any of those three settings to my liking.

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It will never respond like CoD or Battlefield, but you can make it bearable, for me I have turned off smoothing, head bobbing, and played with my mouse rate till it felt ok.

Other than that we just have to live with it for the moment. I have faith that when the standalone is released it will be better.

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