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Me and Friend got hacked this night

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Hi. Me and my friend got hacked (we randomly spawned mid-air and fell down to the ground, aswell as everyone else on the server i assume) on Server DE 829, 21.08.2012 - 03:45 AM. Both our characters died and I'd like some admin to restore our Characters. Mine lasted roughly 1 month so far and had everything but NVG's.

Our nicks are:

Friends: Diox

Mine: Pnhil Qwaulnzi

If you need the CD-Keys, other account information, etc. please let me know.

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uh.. characters wont be restored. Gonna have to suck it up and do what you gotta do. don;t get attached to your charcters.

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Also.. don;t send your CD key to people.. you are just asking for trouble

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No one will reset/rollback your character. You died (illegitimately), and you are going to have to deal with it.

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As they all said, there is no way to restore your character, Remember to disconnect if you ever see yourself respawn in the air. I have been killed by hackers that way, everyone has. There are plenty of people that do it. The only way to solve it is them just giving up, it will get old for them and they will learn to play the game at some point. Humanity is at it's worst on the internet. But yes being alive for a month seems rough to die to.

Edited by Sweet Meat

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