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Some ideas - zombie types, environment restricted areas, char. customization, npc factions

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Hey, i haven't seen any of my ideas in my search results, but it is possible I just didn't find it, so feel free to move this somewhere.

I guess more of these ideas are better suited for the standalone because of the current engine limitations.


I mean something more like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series zombies rather than Left 4 Dead ones. Things like Bloodsuckers with invisibility powers, Poltergheists with that mindblowing tricks or Controllers with ability to make you see things or control other wildlife. All of these offer really nice inspirations and idea of really fast invisible zombie lurking around you at night in the middle of cherno is really appealing. Enhancing zombies in this way could add much to the survivability factor in the game.

Another thing would be zombies still able to use weapons of different sorts. Affectec wildlife is also worth a thought I think.


Also another inspiration from other games. If some areas in the game with rare loot (Airfield, etc) would be, for example, contaminated with high concentration of something (spores, germs, doesnt really need to be radiation). So you would need some special something (envirosuit, gasmask, etc.) to be able to go to places like this and not die. Also it might be, that you would need to change filters in these things every hour or so (the filters would be hard to obtain) which could really solve the Airfield camping problem.

There could also be different types of hazzards requiring different types of protection. Chemical spills in industrial areas, wildfires, biohazards, radiation, etc.


Ability to customize your character by some small means (badge, stripe on your arm, paint stain, etc). It would allow players to distinguish one individual from another. So you would know a friend by sight, or a faction/clan.


This is really a thing for discussion and it would require lots of testing, but some kind of NPC faction in the game could maybe work with some precize balancing. Either some traders in hidden locations or some other guys.

Edited by MarekXcz

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Well some things can't really be done entirely by players, lets try to imagine f.x. 1 or 2 special npcs with some special actions involved. But maybe you are right, maybe even 1 npc would ruin the game.

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