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Dayz Standalone: More vehicles, same map

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I was looking at the ArmA 2 wiki, and after I saw all the vehicles in ArmA 2, but I was wondering why they weren't in Dayz. I think it would be a lot of fun if there were a lot more vehicles, like heavy duty cargo helicopter that can carry TONS of cargo, or a car underneath it. Or maybe amphibious vehicles. And maybe attack helicopters, I would like to see dogfights in Dayz.

I also don't want to see Chernarus disappear from Dayz completely. I think the Russian countryside is a perfect setting for a post apocalyptic adventure. The people who want small fields can get them, the people who want giant skyscrapers to snipe from can get them (with a little variant in the map design), and the people who want lots of military weapons and military vehicles can get them from the airfields.

Edited by IceCaps97

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Play warfare

I don't want military vehicles as much as I want vehicles to be more common. In a real Russian country side you would find WAY MORE vehicles than guns, which is what the mod has reversed ATM.

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In the real Russain countryside I woudn't expect to find a heavy duty military cargo helicopter. Or a fully armed to the teeth attack helicopter.

Edited by The_Weapon1

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Lets say this: A year after an infection the military would dispatch multiple helicopters to deliver medical supplies and weapons to help the existing military. Let's say that some of those helicopters got left behind. And to the guy who says that this isn't GTA, I know it's not. I just want a bit more variety and realism.

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I'd love to see a police car in the game, I know hackers can get them but to get one legit would be amazing.

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1st off look around........... Those guys lying dead by the destroyed jeeps, or the walkers walking around in the camo uniforms, that is the military. There is no military left in DayZ so no nation would send its own men or helicopters to help a society they think is destroyed.

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