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twix (DayZ)

Hazards & Obstacles

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So why not lock out certain areas in such a way access is granted through special means. Let's have a look at different scenarios.

Scenario 1 : Dirt Trail

Use a dirt bike to jump over to the other side.

Scenario 2 : Chemical/Biological/Radiation/Electrocution Areas

Acquire Hazmat suit to enter a hazardous area.

Scenario 3: Lock-down

Certain areas require someone to open a door from the outside and if you're a lone wolf chances are you are gonna be a loner. But you could build an obstacle to prevent such a lock-down to buy you some time.

Scenario 4: Obstacles

A makeshift ladder or a plank of wood to get you access to the other side when all routes of access are blocked.

Scenario 5: Dynamic Obstacles

Weather elements can bring about an ever changing obstacle course be it in the form of landslides, trees toppling over, flying billboards etc.

Feel free to discuss and add to the list.

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