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huge base at NWAF

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why not

its in the middle of the air field there not even hiding it

Edited by hybrid86

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Yea those guys are cheap dupers. Whenever I raided they would just server restart. It is in the dumbest place to put a base.

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thers camps everywhere we took a UAZ from them a few dayz ago and then lost it a few hours later

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Duped or not... that's actually pretty impressive.

Pretty well done from a "base" set up... too bad its highly exploitive.

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Got to love the scriped in goodies, us 204 on the island :



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Thanks man. I just hit it up. Got an SVD camo and some ammo for it. I Really just wanted a gillie but wasn't any there :(. Had to crawl all around just to make sure for no snipers lol. I cleared a way if u go in through the north if anybody wants to get in easily.

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lol I brought a friend there again to try and get him gear. He was being dumb and had a chem-light in his hands. He found NV and as he was trying to extinguish it, he got shot haha. Luckily I was in prone, but I JUST logged out to go put items in our vehicle on another server...Poor guy.

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lol I brought a friend there again to try and get him gear. He was being dumb and had a chem-light in his hands. He found NV and as he was trying to extinguish it, he got shot haha. Luckily I was in prone, but I JUST logged out to go put items in our vehicle on another server...Poor guy.

Me and a friend were camping the NW airfield and saw someone run into the barracks, and then someone checking tents. If your friends name was Tom we were the killers.

PS : Your friend got wrecked bro.

Edited by Stevenleonk

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We were camping the NW airfield and saw someone run into the barracks, and then someone checking tents. If your friends name was Tom we were the killers.

PS : Your friend got wrecked bro.

Congrats you killed a blind man from far away with a 50 cal who wasn't moving, you have sick aim bro.

Your a faggot

With best regards,

- Tom

Edited by NaturaI

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hahaha that is so awesome..He was just like "and im dead"

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Btw: Must be pretty boring camping an Airfield with 5 people, eh?

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Funny thing is I found this on my own last night, snuck in and seen a dead body with a ghillie suit on. They had an m16 m203, and when I checked his backpack there was an l85 with thermal, since that's all I wanted I left without checking the tents. A couple hours later, a couple friends and I were going to come back and kill the people that were surely camping the area for kills.

There were 10-15 people on the server the first time, and only 3 when we came back. All 3 names were on before, and one of them was you. So I assume you and a couple of your friends (or at least you) are just camping that area to kill people and this thread is some sort of trap. Either way, suddenly none of us could load into the server, all of us got stuck on the loading screen.

I'm thinking maybe the server reset and possibly reverted to 1724 after I took the l85 thermal out of his backpack.

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