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Running a DAY Z home server

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Is this possible/ within the rules? I'd like to host a server of my own (on my own hardware) for a bunch of friends and I to play on. Regardless of whether it is or is, does anyone know if this will be possible when it becomes a full stand-alone game?

Thanks in advance.

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If the hive is private / running on the local host that the server is running on it should not be too bad at all. If you are connecting to the actual hive then you will need a very very good connection (100mb+ I think, could be wrong here it's a bit of a guess).

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FYI Comcast will cancel your server if you go over 25GB a month, unless you have previously setup something with them (most likely a business account).

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Am I subject to the limitations listed in the stickies? I doubt it would be a problem, but I was just wondering.

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We are not approving home hosting at this time.

Ok. Is this something that will be available in the future, maybe when the full version comes out? i can understand it not being available during the developmental stages, but it will kinda suck if you can't when it's gold...

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Ok. Is this something that will be available in the future, maybe when the full version comes out? i can understand it not being available during the developmental stages, but it will kinda suck if you can't when it's gold...

I honestly have no idea to be honest. Sorry for the lack of clarification, but I figured it was better than me not replying.

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