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=ANz= Zentile

need help im not a F*cking bandit...

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ok so on saturday(18th of august) i manned up and patched dayz... i dont kill players unless im being shot at by them im friendly i like to help noobies (give them guns and medical supplies) but yet i ghave -92000 humanity for no apparent reason.. what is the best way to regain my humanity its bullshit...

(my spelling is shit i know)

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Mine is currently -178220...havnt killed anyone yet. Spawned unconscious and ive been in game for 4 hours waiting for someone to kill me. The bar has barely moved. =(

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a bit offtopic

at what exact humanity does the skin switch from bandit to civil?

not wanna lose my backpack so I have to stay bandit....

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I switch from civ to bandit and back everytime I play without killing anyone, so buggy heh

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a bit offtopic

at what exact humanity does the skin switch from bandit to civil?

not wanna lose my backpack so I have to stay bandit....

i think its -3k?

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I got -140000, you mad?

Humaity is glitched to hell, for me it carries my humanity over lifes....

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My humanity carries over each life, but I always spawn as a survivor, not a bandit. I think that what was intended is that you have a set amount of humanity, but if you decrease your humanity a certain amount each life (2,500, I think) you become a bandit. So you can have -17,000 humanity or whatever and still be a survivor.

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i think its -3k?

I second this. I was at around -1500 humanity when I took the life of an axe-wielding girl......instant skin change.

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I got -140000, you mad?

Humaity is glitched to hell, for me it carries my humanity over lifes....

That's a feature, not a bug.

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yeah is there anyway to get rid of it or lower it? like a blood bag gives you 450+ so ive got to do over 500 blood tranfusions...

anyone want to loan me a day or two? ha

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