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battleye global banned?

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um so today i was playin DayZ of f course and joined a sever like normal and theres like 4 hackers...of course again, and i went afk for like 20 mins came back and theres a message saying ''battleye kicked from sever global ban #0de7'' um ok its a mod some glitches but what do i do? i was playing with my clan (LUL) i love this game so what do i do? thanks guys awesome GAME but i need some help. :)

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If it's just a ban from the server then all you need to do is choose another one.. If it's a global ban from all servers with Battleye, i'd suggest buying the game again with a new account and don't hack on that one.

Edited by Jeppzore

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Dumb question but, did you try joining again? When you get the hacker global ban its just a error & BE kicks you. Should be OK to join again.

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