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Prone (DayZ)

How to loot?

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i have been confused as hell in the game how to loot off of dead bodies and how to pick stuff off of the ground:@

I look through my keybindings to try to find what to press to do so, but cant find anything to do it with. Plz help me someone so that I can actually be able to survive a night in this game.

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Go near the body you want to loot until an icon appears. Generally it's a green rifle. Then press "G" to open up your gear. If there are loot-able items it should appear on the left column.

Other instances when nearing a downed body is an option appearing instead of the green rifle asking you to "drop" and item to "get" what's on the ground.

Then there's looting back packs. You go near one and use the mouse scroll button to show what options you have to interact with it.

Lastly, picking up bolt arrows. You need to place the cursor on the steel bolt and use the scroll button until the option to pick it up appears. Sometimes you really need to get into tricky positions and angles to get the option.

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