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Player looking for mature teammates that have a great sense of humor

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Hey guy's and girl's

the topic title say's it all. let me introduce myself, in game name shiro 28 year old guy from amsterdam. Currently im looking for players above the age of 25 + that love this game, are not to new and have a mic and for example skype and want to play on a regular basis. im just looking for around 4 players max to get to know each other and team up with.

shiroratz is my skype name, you can add me or leave a comment here and we will be in touch.

Take care. :)

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Hey Blankers, why don't you add me on skype, currently im online :)

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you could check us out if you are interested... aha.sytes.net

Edited by Norton50

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Update: Last night we had a ton loads of fun, a few players added me on skype:


2 usa

1 irish

1 romanion

1 dutch

Things went good, had a load of fun with our accents and we are welcoming a few more bunch of people. come play with us tonight!

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Add me on skype, Kaiko327

Or join me on Mumble - MOBAGaming.net Port: 64738

DayZ Channel, MeowMixzors

On now, We can start fresh if you would like or I can give you NV and weapon. and we can play on night server.

I am more laid back, and looking to get gear, and shoot others we see.

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