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Hacker Wanted

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Hello I havent been able to play on a regular dayz server for over a week because i get a setup complete please wait screen for about 20 to 30 min then i spawn in debug plains with nothing and i cant see debug monitor.Maybe a hacker can spawn me back in map or somthing.

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Lol. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the point we have gotten to.

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indeed, now calling for hackers?? no thanks... make sure you are completely up to day then join the server, if in the default plains just abort and re-log, always solves the problem for me!

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i have tried everything. I reverted back to older versions i tried several beta patches and countless servers. I even posted in troubleshoot still no help. i have found lots of other post with people with the same problem but no solution. So hacker please.

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Alright! Lets do some troubleshooting.

Option 1.) If you're not already on, update to that version. Then try connecting to servers running an older version of DayZ, it might shake something loose and respawn you on the beach.

Option 2.) Try joining a Canadian server. Sounds weird I know, but their debug forest is supposedly in a different place and you might be able to break free.

Good luck!

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Alright! Lets do some troubleshooting.

Option 1.) If you're not already on, update to that version. Then try connecting to servers running an older version of DayZ, it might shake something loose and respawn you on the beach.

Option 2.) Try joining a Canadian server. Sounds weird I know, but their debug forest is supposedly in a different place and you might be able to break free.

Good luck!

Thanks i haddent tried those yet but unfortunately they didnt work

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curious why you simply dotn fire up Dayz, and let the food/drink timers expire ???

you will die eventualy, just fire up the game and then go do something else for whateva amount of time is reg'd.. i dont think it would even take an hour of waiting to get to the point of death from no food n water..

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Hello I havent been able to play on a regular dayz server for over a week because i get a setup complete please wait screen for about 20 to 30 min then i spawn in debug plains with nothing and i cant see debug monitor.Maybe a hacker can spawn me back in map or somthing.

The thing to remember is that these kids that hack day-z aren't hackers. Hackers create original ways of breaking code, these kids cut and paste other peoples work from google which makes them hacks, not hackers.

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You sir, are fucking retarded.

Go watch videos or read how to install it. Obviously, you don't have your Beta patch installed correctly or completely.

You do not ask for Hackers to fix a problem of installation, or any reason otherwise.

Edited by 1337N3SS

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Maybe you should find Good Guy Jason, since he is a "good" hacker and i believe he won't kill you

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You sir, are fucking retarded.

Go watch videos or read how to install it. Obviously, you don't have your Beta patch installed correctly or completely.

You do not ask for Hackers to fix a problem of installation, or any reason otherwise.

I been playing this game long enough to know how to install beta patch. Its not that because i can join a private hive so you dont know shit. Get the facts before you start insulting people

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One if the reasons i asked for hackers is because i think a hacker put me here. Right before this started happening a hacker turned everyone in the server i was in into a cow and i havent been able to join a regular server since.

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Dude i sent you a msg in pm telling you how to respawn, there's no need to be asking for a hacker to help you.

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i have tried everything. I reverted back to older versions i tried several beta patches and countless servers. I even posted in troubleshoot still no help. i have found lots of other post with people with the same problem but no solution. So hacker please.

Try playing on a non hive server, your character will be interdependent from the one that is stuck on the official hive servers..

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Hello I havent been able to play on a regular dayz server for over a week because i get a setup complete please wait screen for about 20 to 30 min then i spawn in debug plains with nothing and i cant see debug monitor.Maybe a hacker can spawn me back in map or somthing.

Did you even try talking to dayz staff? no? didn't think so.

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Yes I have asked dayz staff they said to make sure iam up to date.Iam POSITIVE it has nothing to do with beta patch or update as i can join a private hive with no problem because private hives have different character saves.

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