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Looking for smart and down to earth people for some tactical play.

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I have been playing DayZ for around a month now, not yet a vet, but no longer a newb. I am a college age New Yorker (GMT -5), inspired to get into Dayz by the tactical play of Sacriel, looking to find some mature, fun people to group up with and attempt some team operations.

I play on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, typically in the afternoon or late at night. Experience and gear matters little to me, as I am no pro, just looking for good company, and a group for weekly raids. My number one priority is no bullshit, I want to meet people who care more about making friends than pimping out an avatar.

If anyone's interested, respond here, or send me a message, and then we can talk and figure out how to meet in game.


Edited by Progman

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Timezone, daily availability, servers you frequent, gear, location... these would all be great things to know.

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As I mention in the OP, I'm in NYC (GMT -5), I have a decent setup, enough to be useful in a team, strong primary weapon, good pack, and all the essentials, rather not spell it out of course. I'd like to play as an overwatch, as I get extremely paranoid walking into towns, and my skills are best suited to observation and support. I generally frequent US veteran servers and run a specific DayZ commander search, 20+ players, third person enabled, no nameplates. I'm game for day or night, mostly play day, as most people do, but night can be very exciting.

Also as I mentioned in the OP, I play Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, afternoons, and late nights. 2-6pm and 11pm-3am

Hope that helps.

Edited by Progman

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Hey man, me and a buddy are looking for more to play with. We did have a group but some of em stopped playing. We were very tactical and I would consider us veterans, I'd definitely like to talk to you in vent, (in my experience, annoying squad mates results in poor play and death) first so we can talk some stuff out. Lemme know if you're interested! Steam name is wes5288!

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