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Consoles eh?

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Console will have trouble only on the communication aspect with other players if the game isn't shipped with a keyboard. Sure you can use headsets but people rarely do on console, or any platform for that matter. PC elite'ists are nazis so just ignore'em.

Actually I use my headset all the time on my 360. Sometimes with randoms. often with mates.

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Console hate is so vapid.

Just another excuse for lonely people to claim superiority over others.

Meanwhile legitimate gamers play some games on PC and some on console, and appreciate the pro's and con's of each. Civilization? Europa Universalis? I'll take PC. Mass Effect? Batman: Arkham Asylum? I prefer console. Holy shit, someone shoot me.

I can't say as I would prefer or even tolerate DayZ on a console, but I'm not going to get up on my high-horse and proclaim that it's somehow an insult to humanity if it does get ported.

And so what if it's about money? Money hires talented artists, developers and testers and means DayZ will have a stronger team working on it.

That's good for everyone.

So, yeah. Everyone take a deep breath and redirect your rage at something that fucking matters.

At the moment playing Dark Souls on Ps3. Battlefield 3 on Xbox and DayZ on PC. I agree entirely.

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I remember a couple PC exclusives that companies used to make, always said they would keep PC 1st. Yet these days they don't even make PC games anymore, just console ports after console port. TBH can see Dayz going the same direction if it gets on console and is successful.

I'm afraid of that.

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Here is the truth.

Announcing to a crowd of newly-met people that you play games on a console will result in a few people agreeing with you, a few people rolling their eyes, but the majority will not really care.

Announcing to a crowd of newly-met people that you play games on a PC will see you instantly labelled as a basement/loft dwelling paedophile that attends 'cosplay' events.

TL;DR? Consoles will always be the acceptable face of gaming.

Also, PC gamers know this in their hearts.

Of course, PC gaming is a vastly superior experience, but, in social terms, REAL social terms, it is a lonely one.

I am a PC gamer. I'm not bothered if DayZ is gelded to fit onto console toys.

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I am a PC gamer. I'm not bothered if DayZ is gelded to fit onto console toys.

You will be bothered .... after some time when they find out that it's easier to make games for consoles (less functions, same hardware ....) and will release DAYZ 2 exclusive for consoles and then maybe just maybe make console port for PC.

Same happened to lots of good PC games (BF2, Crysis, AVP ....) and now they are limited by consoles.

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Here is the truth.

Announcing to a crowd of newly-met people that you play games on a console will result in a few people agreeing with you, a few people rolling their eyes, but the majority will not really care.

Announcing to a crowd of newly-met people that you play games on a PC will see you instantly labelled as a basement/loft dwelling paedophile that attends 'cosplay' events.

TL;DR? Consoles will always be the acceptable face of gaming.

Also, PC gamers know this in their hearts.

Of course, PC gaming is a vastly superior experience, but, in social terms, REAL social terms, it is a lonely one.

I am a PC gamer. I'm not bothered if DayZ is gelded to fit onto console toys.

I disagree greatly.

I've had my PS3 for a while and I have no one on my friends list. Anyone who talks via in-game PSN chat is usually trolling or a child, neither of whom I want to befriend.

I find the PC social aspect much more accessible for myself. Whether that is because of my age, or that my gaming experience since I was young was orientated around the PC, I don't know. Clan websites, forums, in game keyboard chat and additionally 3rd party voice programs. To me, it aces anything that PSN or Xbox can provide.

IMO console has always been a simplified way of gaming, whether that reflects it's gamers I don't know. I'm sure there are gamers who play console because the effort involved in PC gaming and maintenance is too much for them. Fair enough, it's not for everyone.

I do share your sentiment that I'm not concerned if DayZ goes console - Providing this does not negatively affect the immersive experience that PC has over console.

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PC gaming is 'dead' to developers, the easy and quick cash route is to program for simple, generic hardware consoles. PC poses too much post-release and pre-thought testing and programming for it to reach the profit margins desired. We are simply now a 'port' market, even Activision's Modern Warfare/Call of Duty series has kept the same graphics since MW2 to ensure each title thereafter was console friendly.

Well its mainly that PC sales are shit, and piracy of PC games has crippled the platform for them.

Theres some companies issuing statements that with some titles 90-95% of copies are cracks.

Add in the matter that most companies have share holders demanding profits and not a loss or breaking even and you end up with a fairly narrow business plan.

Its kind of hard to get funds approved for a project when the figures are saying that only @10% of your market will actually buy the damn thing and not just steal it. Not to mention with your Xbox market you know all hardware will run your program, then brand loyalty, IE, CoD-136246652 WILL be bought by the fanboys just because its the fashion to be playing the new version on release day.

Simply put, the current structure of these companies is demanding quick profits off a cornered market with minimum input of capital. Its a more stable market to exploit and profit from.

Whats why EA do what they do with a code in the box for 1st hand owners, its their attempt to get a share of the profit from the 2nd hand games market.

Edited by Never

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Theres some companies issuing statements that with some titles 90-95% of copies are cracks.

This is bullshit.

Most people pirate because they don't want to pay 50€ for shit. Maybe games are becoming shit because of piracy maybe not.

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Most people pirate because they don't want to pay 50€ for shit. Maybe games are becoming shit because of piracy maybe not.

What are you actually trying to say? You post makes little sense.

"Maybe games are becoming shit because of piracy maybe not." Err, what? You seem to be confirming that PC gamers are happy to crack..

Regardless of if the product is shit or not, if the market isn't isn't there why pump money into it when theres a corner market you can bleed endless profit with DLC and all the trimmings?

And to your bullshit call...



Developers are moving to consoles more because you shit on your own doorstep.

Edited by Never

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What are you actually trying to say? You post makes little sense.

"Maybe games are becoming shit because of piracy maybe not." Err, what? You seem to be confirming that PC gamers are happy to crack..

Regardless of if the product is shit or not, if the market isn't isn't there why pump money into it when theres a corner market you can bleed endless profit with DLC and all the trimmings?

And to your bullshit call...



Developers are moving to consoles more because you shit on your own doorstep.

That second link you provided is from Ubisoft, and I would love to know where Ubisoft got those statistics from. IMO they are simply setting themselves up with a good excuse to remove themselves from the PC market in the future, ever since their failure of GRFS PC port. Hell Ubisoft couldn't even release GRFS retail functional for PC, so it doesn't surprise me that their games could be cracked easily when their coding is so broken.

As for the statistics saying that the games are being cracked. Ok let's say that is true, do you ban the sales of cars because people do the wrong thing driving? No, so why is it acceptable for developers to remove themselves from the PC market using that as an excuse.

Instead of using that as a cop-out, improve 'safety features' or 'policing' of the car. Implement better programming and development to ensure that the game is difficult and nigh impossible to crack. But, this will cost money cutting into their bottom line and profit margins. Something they won't accept. The majority of developers these days think it is acceptable to do a half assed port job and expect that the game wont be cracked? Then they go crying all the way to the articles claiming that PC gaming is dead because of hackers/crackers.

I don't see PSN or Xbox live withdrawing elements or developing rights just because Shifty Joe can chip it to unlock all regions and cracked console games - and yes they are available.

Piracy is the #1 concern of all profiteering businesses on the internet. But withdrawing your business altogether only hurts themselves in the long run. If they feel they can be successful on consoles alone, by all means go for it. But I have seen perhaps 1 or 2 original games for console in the past 3 years, everything else is a sequel, of a sequel, of a sequel or a rehash or reskin. Without a doubt console gamers will tire of this, where as PC gaming offers a much richer experience and possibility as to what can be achieved without limited generic hardware.

In summary though, it is a complete cop out to say it's because of the crackers. What they're saying is that 9 out of 10 people pirate games. I have 20 people in my clan, all of whom purchase games they play, not to mention my Steam listing of probably 100 or so. So statistically, it is bullshit. If you were talking about movies, TV series and such, those are statistics I believe.

Developers are hiding behind 'piracy' when they actually just want to maximise their profits for minimal work. Fine, but don't tarnish PC gaming.

Edited by Banicks
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Yes... please stay off the consoles. Nobody wants to play a game with their thumbs unless it's a fighting or sports game.

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like money is not the sole driving factor behing EVERY DECISION YOU MAKE?

Why don't you just admit that you are NO DIFFERENT than any other developer these days.....

Go ahead, no one will be surprised.

I know, how DARE he try to make money making products for others! The *AUDACITY*!

Anybody here who claims they wouldn't chase after a pile of money by doing something with their creation is a LIAR. No, shut up, you're wrong and you cannot tell me otherwise until you're in a position just like his and actually opt out of a potential money making decision.

Besides, it's not like it won't be on the PC as well. Games like this are made for PC. If he wants to throw console users a bone, what do you care? Is it going to ruin *YOUR* PC experience? Do you honestly think you're going to lose anything by having it available on console too? Personally, I'd really like the ability to play with console users just because I know I have the better controls and have an advantage. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure it's more difficult to cheat on a console, so the ratio of cheaters to regular players is more favorable. Like wtf. I don't like or own any consoles myself but am mystified at this immense amount of rage they've earned for what is really no effect on the people that have said rage.

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Here is the truth.

Announcing to a crowd of newly-met people that you play games on a console will result in a few people agreeing with you, a few people rolling their eyes, but the majority will not really care.

Announcing to a crowd of newly-met people that you play games on a PC will see you instantly labelled as a basement/loft dwelling paedophile that attends 'cosplay' events.

TL;DR? Consoles will always be the acceptable face of gaming.

Also, PC gamers know this in their hearts.

Of course, PC gaming is a vastly superior experience, but, in social terms, REAL social terms, it is a lonely one.

I am a PC gamer. I'm not bothered if DayZ is gelded to fit onto console toys.

i disagree PC gaming is alot more mainstream than it was 10 years ago now you can hook your PC up to ur widescreen HDTV in your living room and you can game on the sofa, i have no problem talking to my mates about gaming if they judge you as a paedofile just for playing video games then there not the type of people i want to talk to anyway tbh.

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The closest I'd ever seen to DayZ in any game before this mod came out was probably Red Dead Redemption on Xbox Live multiplayer. Start without gear, go find a gun, work on either PvE or PvP, team up with strangers, shoot them for no reason, have great shouting matching on direct comms via headset. They soon patched RDR to where the multiplayer was PvP-resistant, but it was a good time. To this day I think my gamer rep is garbage due to Red Dead.

"Hey, buddy! I see you're shooting at those bandits!" *lights dynamite* "Want some help?"

So, in conclusion, even if the ArmA engine doesn't port well, even if some compromises have to be made on controls or map size, I think the core gameplay and social dynamics of DayZ could be made to work on consoles. Since consoles tend to be more secure from hacking and the communications are built into the game, you might have a purer experience, since everyone would have to have their voice comms going over the game, rather than through Teamspeak. No more would there be one button for, "Hey, dude, I'm friendly!" and another button for, "Okay, he's buying it. I'll try to get him over to the window."

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