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My kindom for a bandage.

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So, there I was, on the outskirts of this little town. Using my binoculars I spotted a little market, and being low on supplies I thought: I could just run in and out losing the z's along the way. After 12 days alive I had grown somewhat delusional I guess, thinking I was better than those empty husks that were once men. I started running, making a B line for the market.

Looking over my shoulder I saw 4 z's following me, looking ahead there were maybe 3 shuffling about. I darted into the store and found some food and drinks. I guess I overstayed my welcome, and saw white dots forming left and right. In the back of my mind I heard myself saying Get out, you got what you came for now run. But noooooooooooo, I had to check the storage rooms because I am an only child and things are never just enough.

I ran around the counter, narrowly avoiding some grabbing hands, and made a quick scan of the backroom. I got to the back and must've not seen that the door was open, because all of the sudden my screen turned black and white and I heard the telltale sign of a zombie hitting some future dinner. I turned around and shot this lovely individual in the face. It was then that I realized my first two mistakes. The first was not stocking up on bandages when I had the chance. The second was firing a shot with a high caliber weapon. I heard the groans of what sounded like 30 z's, and those white dots began to zigzag around. Bleeding and in dire need of a bandage I did what any man would do. I ran. I ran and looked for open doors. Along the way I gathered a following of what seemed like endless waves of angry, hungry men. Panicked, I ran into the first open door hoping that I could find some salvation, ran into the living room and found.. nothing. Not even an empty tin can. Nothing! Cursing this place to hell and back I heard the shuffles of the formerly mentioned angry mob as they were entering the house. I was trapped. Mistake number three.

Three? Who am I kidding, mistake number twelve more likely. Running low on ammo and still bleeding I fight my way outside. But with every shot I attract more and more of these ravenous maniacs, and pretty soon I’m all but surrounded. I hear snarls and moans coming from every direction. I lose hope, this is it then, so long pretty loot, so long favorite weapon, so long me precious toolbe… hold up, an opening. I sprint through and vault a wall. This buys me some time, although not much. No time to get my headings in any case, so I run. In the distance I see some industrial things, and think to myself, can’t be worse than here! Off I go, in to the distance. Still bleeding I begin to cough and my vision turns a dull gray.

Finally, after what feels like eons I arrive at the industrial lootfactory (in my mind I will find bandages, ammo, guns, drinks, food and the pearly gates to heaven itself) and enter the first building. Nothing on the ground, I run up the stairs. Just one room here, and I find.. A rotary assembly kit. Just my luck! Well, no time to waste I head downstairs only to find I’m not alone here. I don’t know if it’s my coughing or if they just followed me in here, but there are zombies. Lots and lots of zombies. I empty my last clip into the crowd, and manage to make one last opening. Running outside and all but bled dry I see a little shack to my right.

It’s funny how, even when we know all is lost, we try our best to make every second count. As if just those few extra seconds of life will make it all worth it. I manage to enter the shack with the horde breathing down my neck.

Not believing my eyes, I take a step. And another. Do my eyes deceive me? Could it be? YES! By Thor’s hammer and great Odin his beard, a bandage! I bend down to pick up this holiest of holy items. As my knees bent, my body follows. I fall down hard. I look at my blood count, and the minus tells me everything I need to know, even before the obvious statement fills my screen.

You are dead.

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Not just any old zombies, no sir. These were special magical zombies, because I can think of no other explanation. That and not having a bandage and being overly couragious.

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Very interesting thing to read, you have my beans! :) (Wish my computer wasn't broke I could be playing dayz!)

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You sir deserve a medal no you sir deserve an entire coyote backpack filled with bandages and a shiny new gun PM if your interested I lost my character last night to a sniper in cherno and am on the coast and will escort you to my base camp where you can loot all the weapons to your hearts content take a coyote and fill it with badges for your new journey .

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