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Geth Legion

Bows and other ideas!

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A good idea I thought of for DayZ is to add bows to the game, and have different types of bows with their own benefits based on real life statistics, such as Compound bows doesnt require a pull-back to fire, or a recurve bow will go further. Even in the standalone game of DayZ will be great as the ArmA2 engine might not be able to use bows and their animations.

Another idea which will definatly not be in our current DayZ is to climb trees, as it would be awesome to kill an elk or something up high. that being said, you could skin animals for their leather and make some armour to protect yourself agenst bleeding, or breaking your legs!

--Edited on 27/08/12--

You could also find quivers to hold your arrows instead of putting them in your inventroy (like a mini-backpack but on your toolbelt, doesn't replace your backpack and shows on your character)

Edited by Geth Legion

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Sad thing is, that compound crossbows are in the game, except for the other type you mentioned, but the crossbow is trash.

Being able to climb trees, is a little wierd, cause you would need like some sort of treestand to do so.

Edited by Optionism

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The crossbow is totally useless without crosshairs, if theyd stick even some basic iron sights... or perhaps an aimpoint scope like the M14 or M4 CCO it would be a LOT more useful.

Also recovering bolts/arrows is nigh on impossible at the moment, I dont think Ive ever managed it.

Edited by Tiercel

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Sad thing is, that compound crossbows are in the game, except for the other type you mentioned, but the crossbow is trash.

Being able to climb trees, is a little wierd, cause you would need like some sort of treestand to do so.

I know they are, im talking about bow and arrows.

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The crossbow is totally useless without crosshairs, if theyd stick even some basic iron sights... or perhaps an aimpoint scope like the M14 or M4 CCO it would be a LOT more useful.

Also recovering bolts/arrows is nigh on impossible at the moment, I dont think Ive ever managed it.

Well bows can have attachable sights!

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