[email protected] 0 Posted August 20, 2012 I had just loaded up DayZ and chose a server at random to play, this server happened to be UK6.The day before i had logged out ontop of a building in chernogorsk so i spawned in the same location, as i should.I then looked down and noticed a helicopter below me, with 3 guys sniping people from atop the tower. I watched them for a while to see what they were actually doing, i was thinking to myself " landing a chopper in cherno would be pretty much suicide so why would they be doing this". One of the 3 got sniped and died, so now i thought to myself this would be a more managable encounter.Looking at my options and the rewards that i would gain, i opened fire on the 2 remaining snipers.I killed one of the snipers instantly with a headshot and then opened fire on the second sniper, who proceeded to NOT DIE. I then took cover and started to reload my gun and hearing in direct chat these words:"Whats his name""I hate it when people do this"Do what? I had done nothing wrong, I then stood back up and started to fire on the remaining sniper who was just standing there taking the hits, i then died instantly from no sort of bullet or any kind of glitch/bug/fall damage.During this encounter i was telling my friend to log on, who was in the surrounding area on the edge of cherno, he had his sights on the tower and after i died, started shooting at the sniper. Hitting him once in the foot and a few misses he then proceeded to die in the exact same way that I did.I cant see any action being taken against this since there is no evidence, just be wary when going onto UK6, one of the snipers names was "Fearless" and that is the only one that i recall. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites