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File Integrity check Failures

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So, ok. Battleye has started running integrity checks on players' files. And I'm seeing people getting kicked left and right for failing these checks. Usually happens with Boulders.pbo or something. I saw one check failure on a ghillie suit file. One failure happened with a Structure file.

Do these file check failures represent players who have or are using edited files to remove landscape/buildings?

If so, are these bannable offenses? Granted, they get kicked regularly and already cannot play long term. BUT if they're using hacked files then that implies they may be using other methods of exploiting/gaining advantage in the game. Shouldn't this warrant a ban?

Edited by Ped

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Typically when I see these messages, it says missing file bla bla bla, which leads me to believe either:

A.) The person deleted these files thinking they will be able to see hiding people in game better, etc.

B.) These files just never got downloaded to begin with, and they need to verify their game cache.

I'm leaning way more towards B, because I know while people can get away with editing textures, I'm not sure if the game will launch with missing models. I highly doubt it is a ban-able offense, due to B, but funnier things have happened. Just my guess!

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I am getting random kicks for a wheeled2.pbo file sometimes after 10 mins sometimes an hour or more

I,ve tried fixing it by verifying my game with steam to no avail, and installing the same file from my wife's pe but this version of the file just makes my game crash. Interestingly my file is some 304,000kb's my wife's copy 202,000kb and a friends 94,000kb so file sizes do not even match.

The only option I can think of next is a clean install unless someone else here has another suggestion?

Hmmm thinking about it wonder if I could replace the whole arma2 add ons folder rather than part of it from my wife's copy?

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I hope this isn't another BattlEye fuck up like the global banning. I'm watching one guy get kicked every ten minutes for a boulder file.

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