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Broken tents/vehicles alter my game experince totally, how about yours?

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Here's the deal: A friend and me finally found a tent to save our gear in, nothing special, just some things to get a headstart, when you die. We figured it would be absolutely necessary to have a hidden storage space instead of running around with our backpacks filled. For me, this is the most important feature this great game offers. Unfortunately, this is also the biggest disappointment.

Read on here: http://dayzmod.com/f...ies-not-saving/

Since this problem still exists and it now also seems that rollbacks won't help, I decided to stop playing until this issue is fixed.

Don't get me wrong: I don't want pressure things up, because I can imagine how much work this must be. But this problem is an absolut dealbreaker for me. I know, there are approx. 1000000 bugs, but this need immediate attention, since it's absolutely necessary for the game experience.

Edit: Changed title from "Stopped playing, waiting for tents/vehicles to be fixed, who's in" to "Broken tents/vehicles alter my game experince totally, how about yours?" since the first one was obviously not constructive. Sorry about that though, don't want to be missinterpreted here. Be aware that some posts now point in a different direction.

Edited by crash_better

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For the record,

You have nothing to demand.

Just take it like a man.

You are currently getting free fun from Rocket,

take it as it is.

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It's not about demanding, it's about the game experience. Hell, I'd even buy the standalone version twicefor supporting the devs, waiting for weeks do get an issue fixed. DayZ is the best gaming experience I've had in the last years. Thats why I wait to get this issue fixed. Normally, for any other game, I would just deinstall and forget it

Again: This is not a pressure thread. I just want to know, if there are other players feeling the same. If your have nothing to say to this question, don't comment.

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Is the present condition of vehicles and tents frustrating, yes no doubt. Are there plenty of other things to do in game without vehicles and tents, yes no doubt. The choice to play or not is your own, but it seems like you want affirmation for your decision? How is a boycott of the game going to improve the situation exactly?

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im with crash better, there comes a point when you might aswel stop playing and this wasnt free, i bought arma2 and arrow head just to play this as it sounded cool. I will now bin this rubbish as it isnt ready or fit to play. Look on the bright side if nobody is playing it there is less pressure on the devs and they wont rush out updates that dont appear to do much in improvements!

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Well, if it would work? Unfortenatly,

On the forum theres only 60.000 registered users, and about 170.000 Unique players every day, You can see the picture right?

if you happen to gather ALL of the registered users on the forum, you're still missing out the 110.000 users whos playing daily,

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Well, if it would work? Unfortenatly,

On the forum theres only 60.000 registered users, and about 170.000 Unique players every day, You can see the picture right?

if you happen to gather ALL of the registered users on the forum, you're still missing out the 110.000 users whos playing daily,

Double post, im sorry... :/

Edited by Minamo

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Minamo. I know a few people who play and arent on the forum, the general feeling is that this game is shit and patience is running out, mine has now gone completelyl this has been a complete waste of my time and money. The idea is great but its a misrable failure really. The persistant character seems to be just too much to handle, everyone is losing gear and spawning in the debug place, useless!

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This entire topic is pointless.

You purchased ARMA 2 so you could play the DayZ alpha. The devs have told us over and over that it is an alpha and game breaking bugs WILL HAPPEN.

A game breaking bug occurs and you freak out. You decide that telling people not to play the game because game breaking bugs will happen.. except now you're 'against' the devs rather than ignoring their warning.

Good job, you didn't listen and now you're still not listening. Now you're just here spouting ignorance like it matters.

Man up and delete your thread. No beans will be awarded

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This entire topic is pointless.

You purchased ARMA 2 so you could play the DayZ alpha. The devs have told us over and over that it is an alpha and game breaking bugs WILL HAPPEN.

A game breaking bug occurs and you freak out. You decide that telling people not to play the game because game breaking bugs will happen.. except now you're 'against' the devs rather than ignoring their warning.

Good job, you didn't listen and now you're still not listening. Now you're just here spouting ignorance like it matters.

Man up and delete your thread. No beans will be awarded

His post was pretty calm and collective, Sounds like you're the one freaking out....

Edited by FuzzyPoncho

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Oh oh oh. I love these "let's protest by quitting until <x>!" threads. Also, the self-imposed beacon of entitlement via the "my posts are ultra important, therefore they are written in green" is a fantastic touch. I give this an 8 / 10.

Trust me, sir, no one will miss you. You aren't "sticking it" to anyone. Neither Rocket, the servers, or anyone else will notice you've stopped playing for any amount of time. The care factor is 0.

Most of us (well, sometimes I question this) are grown ups about this and understand what it is. It's an Alpha mod. Things are going to break, break often, and break in ways that makes you want to fill up your in-game canteen with tears. It's the nature of the beast. If you can't handle it, move along, just like you're doing. But, don't begin to think you're a special snowflake who has to make a soapbox post about how you're leaving because the Alpha development isn't up to your standards and you're appalled/angered. Just close out your DayZ game window, and move on. No need to spew an ocean of tears on the forums.

With that, I will continue paying for my DayZ server as well as playing DayZ despite the (expected) bugs, because I love this mod and where it's going. If I can help out as an unofficial alpha tester, all the better. :thumbsup:

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I will keep playing and just won't use tents or depend on vehicles.

My problem is fixed. How about yours?

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The game simply isnt playable, you can go on about "alpha" all day but the fact remains its unplayable and you might aswel go do something else. Bugs i expected but not to be unable to start the game ! no restart button? The updates arent fixing things or nothing that matters, i think the idea will always have problems, i think my profile has got corrupted and the corruption just follows me to very server i go on, that is the problem with networked software, the problem we have hear is these devs havent got time to start providing one on one support i understand this, but it means the concept hear is under threat a bad error in software could wipe everyones profile and they havent got the resource yet to fix things like this. i think they are busy just keeping the servers up.

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I get it, you think, I'm boykotting, whining and not caring, til this is fixed.

I'm not. The fact, that I this thread is being hijacked by hardcore fans doesn't mean, that I'm not a hardcore fan too. I brought 7 people to play this game. DayZ devs want feedback, here is mine and 7 other people I speak for. It's controversial, maybe I just took the wrong title for this thread. Its not my goal to stop people from playing. If it would be, I would have opened a "F*** this game!1111! I'M OUT" thread. And even less people would have cared for that (which is, in fact, the best you can do)

Even the fact that I post this should show you, that I do care. It's ruining not just my experience of the game, maybe there are others who feel the same. I don't want attention for myself, I want attention on this bug. Even though it might be never fixed, this is my 2 cents. I enjoy the game even with the bug. I know myself, I will occaisonally log in again, to see what my character is doing. This game is not unplayable like some other people will point out. Thats not the point of my thread.

"Stop playing" means playing like I would like to play this game: With the possibilty to store items. This was the next goal in my gaming steps and now, since it was a feature that actually worked, I cannot play, like I want to. Isn't this feedback that game developers look for? Sure, I can play without tents, dodging a major feature of the game. But If I just go "Hm, I don't care, it's alpha, f*** this, I wont report, they will fix it anyway" nothing will budge.

I'll edit the thread title since it seems to be too controversial.

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I had to create an account just for this thread, kudos to you good sirs.

However, you can REALLY tell who here is an actual seasoned ARMA vet and who is not. To this very day ARMA has a fuck ton of bugs that "casual gamers" would say render it unplayable. Toss an Alpha mod on top of that and its a powder keg ready to fuckin blow. There have been many zombie mods that tried and failed, this one is working, contrary to popular belief.

As for the game being unplayable... Are you high? So you cant store loads of gear in a tent or vehicle, oh well. Last night all my tents in my camp, all fuckin six of em, decided not to spawn after reset and I was stuck with an alice pack, Kobra and a fuckin makarov. Within thirty minutes I had a thermal assault rifle and an m4a3. So you are REALLY just angry that you cant run around like a moron and not worry about getting capped. Your safety net is gone. Better start packin light, man.

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I get it, you think, I'm boykotting, whining and not caring, til this is fixed.

I'm not. The fact, that I this thread is being hijacked by hardcore fans doesn't mean, that I'm not a hardcore fan too. I brought 7 people to play this game. DayZ devs want feedback, here is mine and 7 other people I speak for. It's controversial, maybe I just took the wrong title for this thread. Its not my goal to stop people from playing. If it would be, I would have opened a "F*** this game!1111! I'M OUT" thread. And even less people would have cared for that (which is, in fact, the best you can do)

Even the fact that I post this should show you, that I do care. It's ruining not just my experience of the game, maybe there are others who feel the same. I don't want attention for myself, I want attention on this bug. Even though it might be never fixed, this is my 2 cents. I enjoy the game even with the bug. I know myself, I will occaisonally log in again, to see what my character is doing. This game is not unplayable like some other people will point out. Thats not the point of my thread.

"Stop playing" means playing like I would like to play this game: With the possibilty to store items. This was the next goal in my gaming steps and now, since it was a feature that actually worked, I cannot play, like I want to. Isn't this feedback that game developers look for? Sure, I can play without tents, dodging a major feature of the game. But If I just go "Hm, I don't care, it's alpha, f*** this, I wont report, they will fix it anyway" nothing will budge.

I'll edit the thread title since it seems to be too controversial.

You have to keep in mind you are posting on the official DayZ forum and although you may(or may not) have a well throughout opinion on the state of the alpha you have to keep in mind that these kind of post (on any forum) will just be met with hostility. This just seems how forums operate these days.

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