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DE 1307 possible admin abuse... Im tired of it

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Okay, Im a little angry at the moment but I think that I have the right to be.

So last night around 12 am EST I log into this server DE 1307 in electro and there arent that many people on. gear up, and find an ATV between cherno and elecktro, at the top of the rock cliffs in need of repair. I make the journey back to electro and get all the necessary components and extra fuel tanks. at this point it is about 2 am.

I make a couple stops before stary sobor, then park the atv outside of stary to go loot. come back, take my spoils and head off to the construction site North of Dolina and West of Orlovets. I parked the atv near the brick wall to the south of the construction site and gather up some needed extra vehicle parts.

After I get back to my ride I am in the process of fixing and stowing miscellaneous gear when POOF...session lost... there was no "server will restart in x minutes" in german or english. The server stays down for about 20-30 minutes. Well, you guessed it folks the ATV was gone (which I had saved as I dismounted as always, and again before I head off) and so was half my inventory. And before you chime in and say "you should have saved the vehicle", I would like to let you know that I had stopped and saved it exactly 8 times between stary sobor and the construction site north of dolina.

So as to not get unjustifiably angry at something that I could have messed up myself, I decided to retrace my EXACTpath back to stary sobor just to make sure that it didn't end up parked in one of the 8 spots that I had stopped over the course of that journey. No trace of it.

So I ask you, has this been a case of a seemingly "entitled" admin who feels that he/she is somehow deserving of a mode of transport that I slaved over to get up and running? If so, this is complete fucking bullshit.

A couple side notes to point out:

1. As I leaving stary 20 minutes ago, I see 2 peoples death messages come up, and after another 5 minutes i see "exeelenti was killed" and not 15 seconds after I get "no message received for x seconds". This, from my experience is a case of the admin shutting down the server. Fuckin shenanigans.

2. There was a reddit post on saturday night which I will link, which in my opinion further reinforces the need for investigation into the admins actions. I will leave it to you to read, but it may have been a bit of meta-gaming to bait people into a loot trap. Basically the OP said he was banned from the server for looting a camp on the eastern edge of the map which was followed by further posts of bans. I personally had nothing to loose as a fresh spawn so I went and got killed, but obviously wasnt banned. Here is the link:


Please look into this...its bad enough that hacking/scripting can wipe you out...at least you can look into this and possibly affect some change in this matter if it turns out that some shady shit is being done.

Edited by ahyokata

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Here we go...another oh no something happened to my gear it has to be admin abuse post.

Maybe the server just went down.

Admins dont have the ability to "see" the fact that you have an ATV and drop the server to take it from you. If it is a server vehicles and tents are known not to save. It happens move on.

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I am an admin of a server and for some crappy reason my hoster will not install the plugins that will tell people it will restart. Only the hint of BE will say "server restaring in x seconds" and that's like 20 seconds before restart. Also on the previous update it gave me the same, had the server restart every 6 hours, server just restarted on me. Not saying that what you experienced was admin abuse, just saying it happened.

Also I agree with Eatskittens on the fact that tents and vehicles are currently bugged.

(No I am not an admin of DE 1307)

Edited by Fr4nka

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