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AU 22 Possibly hacked

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Gday folks, I am a little unsure where I should post this thread however after an agonising 4 days my latest toon has been killed off.

Those that know me know that I don't get upset about a character death only how it died. 90% of the time I can say it is my fault and I can learn from the situation. However after raiding the SE Barracks at the NWAF I was teleported to god knows how high and let fall, no chance to ALT F4 or leave the game.

Nobody else other then the OCB guys were on this server as I checked the list of players. This event occured 25 mins ago 2230 hrs GMT +9.5.

This server has been down for three days reinstated not so long ago, if this was a clan kill thing then I would be serverely disappointed as a friend of mine suggested to come here as he was friends with people in the OCB clan. However, I believe the server was hacked

I am pissed because I had only just found a pair of NVG's and kitted out with the M16 CCO SD and full tool belt minus the range finder.

Is someone able to assist and restore my character?

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Well, just so happens that the AU 22 server has just gone down as the OCB players logged. no warning no indication that the server was going to going off line, now I can not get back on and retreive my gear. Good to see protocols from the Dayz dev team / admin are being implemented and followed.

Can this be reported as server abuse please and investigated?

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