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ironman Tetsuo

Apocolypse Currency (ideas for trade items)

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It's common knowledge dude, I don't have to explain that a currency isn't on the top of your priority list when doomsday hits earth.

Also I'm just comparing it what all the other apocalyptic games out there.

Ah, other games? Other works of fiction?

Well, I was just under the impression that when you said "realistic" you were talking about reality, and not just what other games had done.

now, as for why I think a very basic trading system would work is because there needs to be fluidity in game play. Fluidity that cannot be messed about by rudimentary UI systems and trading that has sometimes (amusingly) resulted in the accidently point blank shooting of your buddy. You know where you're scrolling to select their backpack, then you go to click the option, the menu fades and you shoot instead xD

Or perhaps, you drop an item for your friend to pick up, only the surface isn't totally flat and you lose it to the void forever.

Now, when i suggest currency, I'm not talking gold coins and tokens specifically designed to be none other than a currency for people to trade. That's dull. What I'm saying is there need to be items which are useful enough to be used, whether for aesthetic reasons, or maybe they have useful application - but that these items are also abundant enough that people will want to trade them. Ofcourse some guy might not find the given currency all that useful, and might want more of it for the item he is offering. However, he'll also bear in mind that another guy might find this item useful, for which he can trade for something he wants.

I find this kind of speculation totally fascinating, and would welcome it into a game that currently facilitates none other than shoot-for-loot

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Yeah, sorry I don't know where you are from.

But where I am from we have these people called thieves...

Well, I'm going to go ahead and judge that, seeing, statistically, murders and thievery is not in the 100% figures (or anywhere near that), that this place you come from is unbeknownst to the rest of mankind, or that you are lying.

honestly, guy, your nihilism is based on nothing but your own inadequacies that you assume the rest of the world has, and you project it onto the rest of us, so that you might think that your selfishness is actually ok, and natural.

Edited by Scerun

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No because in real life I would be able to yank it out of your hands and run away.

How can you not see that your idea is unrealistic?

Here's how it goes at the moment and how it should stay.

>I have this, what do you have?

>this, want to trade?


>Player 1 proceeds to take item out of player 2's backpack

>Player 2 then takes an item out of player 1's backpack



>I have this what do you have?

>this, want to trade?

>Player 1 takes item out of player 2's backpack and runs off or shoots him

With your whole trade window it would just make it stupid and make it look like an MMORPG

Here's the thing...

It is not realistic for me if I'm looking to trade something that I throw it down on the floor out of my control. Nor is it realistic for me to let you go through all my stuff. If I was surviving the apocalypse and you suggested that? I would shoot you in the face several times because you are obviously a god damn thief and bandit.

There's nothing stopping you from trying to shoot me after we trade stuff to get yours back...

Just as there's nothing stopping you from getting shot by me...

Also...This is also the game where we can stuff a main rotor assembly in our backpacks. Seriously... your 'its not realistic to have a mechanism for trade' falls apart when you realize you can fit an item in your backpack that is several times the volume of your pack...much less run at Olympic marathon speeds while carrying it.

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Any chance of keeping this thread on track?

Suggestions for items not systems please.

Mountain Dew economy...

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Here's the thing...

It is not realistic for me if I'm looking to trade something that I throw it down on the floor out of my control. Nor is it realistic for me to let you go through all my stuff. If I was surviving the apocalypse and you suggested that? I would shoot you in the face several times because you are obviously a god damn thief and bandit.

There's nothing stopping you from trying to shoot me after we trade stuff to get yours back...

Just as there's nothing stopping you from getting shot by me...

Also...This is also the game where we can stuff a main rotor assembly in our backpacks. Seriously... your 'its not realistic to have a mechanism for trade' falls apart when you realize you can fit an item in your backpack that is several times the volume of your pack...much less run at Olympic marathon speeds while carrying it.

Yeah, I know in some other thread about ".50cals should only be able to be used without a backpack because it's too heavy" I said that it's also unrealistic that you can pick up 25 tank trap kits and run around with unlimited stamina. I stated that alot of people wouldn't play the game if it were super realistic.

But an external window just for trading, that's just silly.

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Ah, other games? Other works of fiction?

Well, I was just under the impression that when you said "realistic" you were talking about reality, and not just what other games had done.

now, as for why I think a very basic trading system would work is because there needs to be fluidity in game play. Fluidity that cannot be messed about by rudimentary UI systems and trading that has sometimes (amusingly) resulted in the accidently point blank shooting of your buddy. You know where you're scrolling to select their backpack, then you go to click the option, the menu fades and you shoot instead xD

Or perhaps, you drop an item for your friend to pick up, only the surface isn't totally flat and you lose it to the void forever.

Now, when i suggest currency, I'm not talking gold coins and tokens specifically designed to be none other than a currency for people to trade. That's dull. What I'm saying is there need to be items which are useful enough to be used, whether for aesthetic reasons, or maybe they have useful application - but that these items are also abundant enough that people will want to trade them. Ofcourse some guy might not find the given currency all that useful, and might want more of it for the item he is offering. However, he'll also bear in mind that another guy might find this item useful, for which he can trade for something he wants.

I find this kind of speculation totally fascinating, and would welcome it into a game that currently facilitates none other than shoot-for-loot


yeah, no. I'm gonna stop talking to you now.

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Imo, there would be no currency, only goods you have to trade. Just like in "The Book of Eli." He went to get water and charge his iPod but traded goods like leather gloves and a nice blanket for it.

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OP should've just been like

"Implement new items that can be used like currency, like fallout 3 bottlecaps.

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Bob Mcstinkleshits: "I'll trade your M4A1 CCO for an AS50 shot to your dome"

I have no doubt in a post apocalyptic situation, people would actually do this.

However, Mt. Dew seems to bear some worth, and seems to be an item most people will stash upon discovery; it may be the next economy kickstarter!

Edited by PhantomHunta

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I don't think the game needs currency, the value of items is highly fluid based upon what you have. You might be a fresh spawn who would trade all your survival tools(matches knife compass w/e) for a weapon for defense, or you might be a well geared NWAF farmer who never found matches and would trade something normally of far higher value for them because he's in dire need of health and can't cook his food. Think up whatever scenario you want, but an items worth in a world without a ready supply of it will be pretty subjective based upon your need, rather then some perceived currency who's value people try to set. When the world ends who is to say my beans are less valuable then your AS50 when you're starving to death(except for you when you shoot me in the face but that's another issue there).

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If i get the OP right he is not trying to find a currencys name be it gold coins, shells, cigarettes or stardust to horde for players to buy huge appartments in cherno, retro chairs and new nikes in a virtual Shop but rather something we as players could misuse as a currency. And the answer is of course: fuel.

I think it would really come down to this especially if it turns out as rocket stated in an interview that he would like the standalone to feature lots of repairable vehicles but less fuel.

I'm trying to establish a shop right outside electro with fuel as a currency. Anyone willing to participate is more than welcome (PM me) because i just thought of my meaning of dayz life in that instance and first have to figure out how this could be accomplished. Guess i'd need runners (some sort of errand boys), gunners (bodyguards) and diggers (guys that loot the world).

I don't want to get rich with this concept but it would be cool to re-establish some small parts of society. Which i hope i will fail because i love the game as a hardcore zombie apocalypse and not as The Sims. Well anyway i guess it would be fun to fail in the attempt :)

(sorry for hijacking the thread for a moment. I got carried away).

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If i get the OP right...

thank you!

You understand, although I fear It's my poor wording that's caused most of the confusion.

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If i get the OP right he is not trying to find a currencys name be it gold coins, shells, cigarettes or stardust to horde for players to buy huge appartments in cherno, retro chairs and new nikes in a virtual Shop but rather something we as players could misuse as a currency. And the answer is of course: fuel.

I think it would really come down to this especially if it turns out as rocket stated in an interview that he would like the standalone to feature lots of repairable vehicles but less fuel.

I'm trying to establish a shop right outside electro with fuel as a currency. Anyone willing to participate is more than welcome (PM me) because i just thought of my meaning of dayz life in that instance and first have to figure out how this could be accomplished. Guess i'd need runners (some sort of errand boys), gunners (bodyguards) and diggers (guys that loot the world).

I don't want to get rich with this concept but it would be cool to re-establish some small parts of society. Which i hope i will fail because i love the game as a hardcore zombie apocalypse and not as The Sims. Well anyway i guess it would be fun to fail in the attempt :)

(sorry for hijacking the thread for a moment. I got carried away).

A fueling station on the current map would probably be a tent full of empty jerry cans planted next to a fuel tank. Drive or walk up, negotiate a price, then get your tank filled. Higher price if you want to take the cans instead of a fill up, as those have to be replaced, unless you're trading in empty cans for full ones.

This static position runs into the same problems as other civilization ideas (colonies, trading posts): security. Very hard to defend a static position from legitimate in-game attackers, let alone the hackers.

Maybe an observed drop would be safer. Buyer negotiates a price, seller instructs buyer on where to drop the items (an observable position), then seller tells buyer coordinates of where to pickup the fuel. Would have to be done over 3rd party VOIP given the distances involved.

Also, fuel tanks are currently plentiful (and hold an infinite amount of fuel), and jerry cans aren't hard to find, so fuel isn't scarce enough to really go to all the trouble of trading for it.

Just thinking out loud.

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Glass bottle caps, Fallout style :D

EDIT : any small, light, robust, widespread and otherwise useless object will do.

Edited by Kafein

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Sorry lost me at 'cigs' for currency. This isn't prison and fuck cigarettes.

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