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"Wait For Host"

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When i open dayz commander, i filter servers and i find one that i like with good ping and everything. When i double click the server, it loads, says DayZ "Wait a moment" then it goes to this black screen that says "Wait for host" and it will not go forward. I have updated everything and restarted my computer many times. What do i do??

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I don't know but this is the same problem/error I have when launching servers out of DayZ Commander. I've quit using DayZ Commander because of it and just load servers from Arma II itself.

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When i open dayz commander, i filter servers and i find one that i like with good ping and everything. When i double click the server, it loads, says DayZ "Wait a moment" then it goes to this black screen that says "Wait for host" and it will not go forward. I have updated everything and restarted my computer many times. What do i do??

Start off by filtering wrong arma2/dayz versions out, then I would switch to Dayz and Arma 95883, as they seem the most stable at the moment. And then read more on the faq http://www.dayzcommander.com/faq#StuckWaiting

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When i open dayz commander, i filter servers and i find one that i like with good ping and everything. When i double click the server, it loads, says DayZ "Wait a moment" then it goes to this black screen that says "Wait for host" and it will not go forward. I have updated everything and restarted my computer many times. What do i do??

Same problem;/

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Yeah i'm having the saame problem here. I was playing perfectly fine last night. I come on today and every single server i try and join gets stuck on "Wait for host". This is when i join through DayZ commander or Play with six or the six launcher etc. I tried joining through the game itself, through steam, but that just gives me a "Connecting failed" error.

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I just tried running DayZ from my brothers computer. Worked like a charm. So i'm uninstalling the game completely and see if that works. I'll post here the results.

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For anyone still having this issue:

I bought this game off steam, so i deleted the game local data (Both the game and the expansion). After that i re-downloaded and installed the game and installed DayZ and the beta patch 96061/63. This fixed my issue and it now works perfectly.

Let me know if this helps anyone?

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