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add baseball bat or samurai sword (melee weapons )

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could these be server side options ?

shouldnt be too hard to do and im sure they would be popular. if made serverside atleast theres a option.

before anyone says this isnt left4dead i know already :lol: smokerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :P

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1st off, how about no?

2nd how many katanas do you see in eastern European homes?

3rd Why the fuck waste time making silly stuff like that, when there are big graphical glitches and a standalone game on the way (where such things might fit in alittle better)

lastly learn the fucking name....if you play Left 4 Dead 2, you should have heard it 693 times allready "KA-TA-NA"

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Yeah, pretty hard to take this guy serious.

This is obivously not your game kid.

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The thought of using a machete would be awesome. We already have Hatchet and Crowbar (never tried using it as melee).

So I guess just by doing a re-skin it could work some what. Seems like the Hatchet and the Crowbar's hitbox are the same under the skin anyways.

But like Tweakie said, Katana, wouldn't be a good fit inside the mod. As in, it doesn't fit the area where we are located.

Maybe some baseball bat around but that isn't my kind of cup.

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  On 8/20/2012 at 12:07 PM, HikKi said:

The thought of using a machete would be awesome. We already have Hatchet and Crowbar (never tried using it as melee).

So I guess just by doing a re-skin it could work some what. Seems like the Hatchet and the Crowbar's hitbox are the same under the skin anyways.

But like Tweakie said, Katana, wouldn't be a good fit inside the mod. As in, it doesn't fit the area where we are located.

Maybe some baseball bat around but that isn't my kind of cup.

But why would you even prefer melee over ranged?

DayZ is not a hack and slash game where you can just swing stuff like machetes and crowbars around whithout serious injuries.

Unless you plan on going stealth and taking zombies one by one, you will most likely end up with your legs broken or uncautious and bleeding out.

Edited by elasticz

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Any Melee weapon would need an added use to be worth giving up the ability to chop wood which has saved many a survivor's life while low on blood in the woods.

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  On 8/20/2012 at 12:11 PM, elasticz said:

But why would you even prefer melee over ranged?

DayZ is not a hack and slash game where you can just swing stuff like machetes and crowbars around whithout serious injuries.

Unless you plan on going stealth and taking zombies one by one, you will most likely end up with your legs broken or uncautious and bleeding out.

God knows how many headshot I had with an Hatchet on Zombies so far. I know melee isn't the best in the mod right now and it is dangerous.

But it did saved my ass so many time vs. Zombies (and some bandits) on the field without loosing that much blood. Of course, I would rather choose a gun but when you don't find one.. ^^

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I would like a redesign on melee weapons, with pro's and con's.

New "weapon": Table leg / Piece of wood / 2x4

Pro: Very easy to come across, can be upgraded with hammering nails through it if player has a Toolbox.

Con: Needs several hits to kill a zombie (less if upgraded with nails)

This would take the place of "Extremely easy to find" weapon, like the hatchet is now.


Pro: Kills zombies in 1 blow, can be used to chop wood

Con: Harder to come by, long recovery time between swings


Pro: Can be used to force open locked doors. Fast recovery between swings.

Con: Hard to come by.

Edited by El3utherios

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  On 8/20/2012 at 12:23 PM, El3utherios said:

I would like a redesign on melee weapons, with pro's and con's.

New "weapon": Table leg / Piece of wood / 2x4

Pro: Very easy to come across, can be upgraded with hammering nails through it if player has a Toolbox.

Con: Needs several hits to kill a zombie (less if upgraded with nails)

This would take the place of "Extremely easy to find" weapon, like the hatchet is now.


Pro: Kills zombies in 1 blow, can be used to chop wood

Con: Harder to come by, long recovery time between swings


Pro: Can be used to force open locked doors. Fast recovery between swings.

Con: Hard to come by.

Dude, so what you want is for this game to become a Dead Island ripoff?

It's a war simulator for crying out loud, not a hack and slash.

If anything it's very logical that you find axes everywhere because Chernarus is filled with trees.

But why go through all that effort when it only takes 15 minutes to go to Elektro and find a Makarov?

Also, priorities dammit! Focus on content that should be fixed before flailing out ideas that are basically useless.

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Rocket has talked about the inclusion of more weapons that you would find around the house like knives, bats etc, they are planned!

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I'd rather have him focus on making the hatchet a little more reliable than add a bunch more melee weapons that will be just as frustrating to use.

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  On 8/20/2012 at 12:43 PM, FalafelCopter said:

I'd rather have him focus on making the hatchet a little more reliable than add a bunch more melee weapons that will be just as frustrating to use.

I agree on that point, specially the range.

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  On 8/20/2012 at 12:32 PM, elasticz said:

If anything it's very logical that you find axes everywhere because Chernarus is filled with trees.


It's very logical you'll find builders everywhere because chernarus is full of houses

There's trees everywhere where I live but there's no axes scattered all over the place - ur logic is flawed.

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  On 8/20/2012 at 1:54 PM, Jex =TE= said:


It's very logical you'll find builders everywhere because chernarus is full of houses

There's trees everywhere where I live but there's no axes scattered all over the place - ur logic is flawed.

Yeah it's fucking logical that you would find hammers and saws in a place where hundreds of building are.

I mean what the fuck even?

Also pay attention to your surroundings, the people that lived there were obviously not city people. There are farms every 500 meters.

People needed wood to survive there.

Also, building a building takes months or years depending on how big it is. Civilisation doesn't just appear. If it was to appear all of a sudden, then yes, there would be builders everywhere because it's impossible for a small group of people to build a city as big as Elektro.


Edited by elasticz

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