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loyal UK mature gamer, noob, searching for CLAN to join

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Fairly new to Dayz, been playing for a month now on my own and I wanna team up for the cause, I've heard the bandit lifestyle is the way to go.

I'm mature gamer, so would like to team up with other mature gamers. I'm on UK time and can play few hours most evenings and weekends.

gimme a shout or add me up:

My steam ID is : robuovo

my dayz name is: comet



Edited by robuovo
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Hello mate, you should check out our gaming community @ www.bsbnetwork.com

We've been gaming since 2002 and are made up of mostly adult gamers above the age of 20 (well ove rin most cases!). Anyway, we have an in-house clan and pleanty of fire-teams and groups within day Z. Theres over 1200 registered memebrs with more than 150 of them playing Day Z. We have no requirements other than common sesne and fair play and we use our oown Teamspeak 3 server for comms. If you're interested just drop onto our forum and say hi and hop on our teamspeak 3 server and get involved witha few games mate.

Hoep to catch you online soon!

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Hello mate, you should check out our gaming community @ www.bsbnetwork.com

We've been gaming since 2002 and are made up of mostly adult gamers above the age of 20 (well ove rin most cases!). Anyway, we have an in-house clan and pleanty of fire-teams and groups within day Z. Theres over 1200 registered memebrs with more than 150 of them playing Day Z. We have no requirements other than common sesne and fair play and we use our oown Teamspeak 3 server for comms. If you're interested just drop onto our forum and say hi and hop on our teamspeak 3 server and get involved witha few games mate.

Hoep to catch you online soon!

Box, you absolute legend!

I'll get onto it now and register! cheers mate!

As I am a noob (to pc gaming in general, just switched from console gaming) how does the meeting up to play with clan members work in Dayz? I take it there's a channel on teamspeak that only the clan use, and I assume a dedicated server that the clan operates in. Is it literally joining the server when I wanna play and switching on the comms channel to find out where people in the clan are to hook up with?

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Box, think I am guna have a check out of that. I am a UK gamer and have been trying to get into a gaming community for some time. Guna have a look when I finish work!

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