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Still Banned from US 2297 bc /#UFD Admin Abuse

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Player name: Fluffernuggets

Server: US 2297

My Time Zone : Central US

2 Incidents/ Time and date of Incidents

10:40 pm 8/18/2012

3:30pm 8/19/2012

Server Admin/Member on at the time Nick #ufd

Type of Ban I received/Server Sided Both Times due to admin misuse of power/abuse

Description of Incident @ 10:40pm 8/18

Was playing, had a couple of friends on a bit so I joined on them. Helped a guy. Admin used Global to inform people that "Hacking is not permitted, neither is associating with hackers" adding "you know who you are". No clue what that meant. I got banned shortly there after.

The message read (BattleEye Banned(h4xx0rzzzzz))

Incident @ 3:30 pm 8/19

Got back on. Was going to run about in Vybor. Another friend was saying he was joining it because he wanted to set up camp so I figured I'd stick around. Ran around. Global chat was used again "Did you report UFD yet to get us blacklisted?" now I knew they were adressing me. I just continued playing though no loot or zeds were roaming about. They adressed me again "You know BE logs show." I think they posted that twice, I replied through direct chat and said "So they'll show me looting and roaming around aimlessly? " or something to that point.

Got banned with the message (BattleEye Banned(bye)).

I don't hack, I was not using any hate speak and I did nothing against the rules. The logs will show this.

Please get me un-banned and remind the server hosts of their responsibilities.

I appreciate any help.

Edited by CrimsonSpecter

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There are two ways of beeing banned.

1) You are banned because battle eye intercept you are trying to execute scripts or lines of code. This ban goes automatic.

2) An admin on a server decides to ban you, this ban is only local for that server, this ban is done by the server admin.

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There are two ways of beeing banned.

1) You are banned because battle eye intercept you are trying to execute scripts or lines of code. This ban goes automatic.

2) An admin on a server decides to ban you, this ban is only local for that server, this ban is done by the server admin.

Most likely #2, I can't believe it's a Battleye ban with those reasons behind it. "h4x0rzzzz" lol, Childish. Unban this innocent and re-read the rules badmins, or get blacklisted. Your choice :) *This isn't pointed at you Allie :P*

Edited by TBK434
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Fluffer you are BANNED no matter what, 2297 is a PRIVATE HIVE and you are a known fucking hacker, GTFO you whinning lil b!tch! you ain't coming back with your crew of f@cking hackers, I know who you are and have submitted you to the global b!tch go away !

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Most likely #2, I can't believe it's a Battleye ban with those reasons behind it. "h4x0rzzzz" lol, Childish. Unban this innocent and re-read the rules badmins, or get blacklisted. Your choice :) *This isn't pointed at you Allie :P*

Crimson he is a hacking POS an he knows he is him an the rest of his crew can go blow a goat in DayZ ...... can't wait to see them all on global ban list !

Warned - Ubi

Edited by ~HAWKEYE~

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