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I've got to be stupid or something, because I have googled and googled this and searched through the forums.

A buddy of mine and I cannot use Sidechat. We can read it, but can't chat using it. At first we thought it was because we had a few murders under our belts (people shot at us first). But there's got to be people using the Sidechat that have killed more than 3 people...

So what's going on? We have tried dying to see if that would clear it up, but no cigar. Tried re-installing, but that didn't work either.

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The newest Arma2 Beta Updates (going back about 3 of them) removed all chat except "Direct Chat", which now allows you to chat - provided you are BOTH running the same version - up to 80m away from one another.

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Ahh' date=' so everyone else using Sidechat is not using the Arma 2 Beta clients?[/quote']

I believe so - but it also has to do with a Server-side update as well. I've been on a couple of servers where I could see other side chats, and then other servers where it didn't work. Sooner or later, everything is supposed to be standardized - so hopefully, sooner.

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I thought it was only 40m? They doubled it from 20m to 40m' date=' or so I read.

I can't find the links now - since the hackers destroyed a couple weeks worth of the forum history (fuckers) - but I could swear it had gone as high as 80m. (Although, yours could be radius whereas mine could be circumference.)

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I thought it was only 40m? They doubled it from 20m to 40m' date=' or so I read.

I can't find the links now - since the hackers destroyed a couple weeks worth of the forum history (fuckers) - but I could swear it had gone as high as 80m. (Although, yours could be radius whereas mine could be circumference.)

This might be why I had to recreate this account, haha.

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I thought it was only 40m? They doubled it from 20m to 40m' date=' or so I read.

I can't find the links now - since the hackers destroyed a couple weeks worth of the forum history (fuckers) - but I could swear it had gone as high as 80m. (Although, yours could be radius whereas mine could be circumference.)

I hope you meant diameter.

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I thought it was only 40m? They doubled it from 20m to 40m' date=' or so I read.

I can't find the links now - since the hackers destroyed a couple weeks worth of the forum history (fuckers) - but I could swear it had gone as high as 80m. (Although, yours could be radius whereas mine could be circumference.)

I have heard it's up to 80 meters for voice, but was only 20 meters for text.

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I thought it was only 40m? They doubled it from 20m to 40m' date=' or so I read.

I can't find the links now - since the hackers destroyed a couple weeks worth of the forum history (fuckers) - but I could swear it had gone as high as 80m. (Although, yours could be radius whereas mine could be circumference.)

Considering mine is from the patch notes from two days ago, I'm guessing it's a radius/diameter issue.

As in, chat only goes 40m. Period.

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Some servers are using the latest mission file while not requesting every joiner to use the beta patch. Those who use beta patch will not be able to access the side/global/commander channels since the new mission file removes them.

If you use a beta patch, I recommend you to join only servers that require beta patch (look at lower right corner of server browser for required version).

I thought it was only 40m? They doubled it from 20m to 40m' date=' or so I read.

Direct Communication Channel range: 80m voice, 20m text (40m with latest beta patch).

I've sent the developers request to increase the text range, and due to that they've already increased it from 20m to 40m in a recent beta patch. I've sent them feedback and hoping for them to increase it further: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/31523

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First of all i want to thank Rocket and everyone else working with this mod, it's great and i really love it! But after installing the patch req for joining the new 1.7 servers i have noticed that i can't join or even see the Side channel, you know that world wide one :). Witch i find kinda importat since mainly everyone are using that channel for chat. i have tried to re-install arma2, OA and dayz but still the same thing. i have tried to bind that channel to other key's but failed and trying to default everything, but with no success.. So please help and old (stupid) swede with this plox!

"gives blood-pack to the helper" :D

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But after installing the patch req for joining the new 1.7 servers i have noticed that i can't join or even see the Side channel

i have tried to re-install arma2' date=' OA and dayz


Just lol.

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Side chat is disabled in the new updates.

The plans are to have you use Voice chat at 80m and Direct comms at 20m.

If people weren't such dicks, they would say that instead of laughing.

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So it's going to be realistic in that you will only be able to "shout" or "chat" in your immediate local vicinity. You can't just sixth sense your way around the world anymore like some omniscient being.

It does make it dramatically more difficult, but then we all cried out for realism. Here it is, stark and grim and unforgiving.

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