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"Waiting on Server Response" Now This server is running an incorrect version

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Date/Time: May 1 2012

What happened: Played for the first 2 days then poof, every time i try and join a server i get either waiting for server response or This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff.

Where you were: joining a server over night on the 3rd day, then could never play again.

What you were doing: joining the server then waiting for server response.

*Current installed version: 1.7

*Server(s) you were on: Dallas 5

*Your system specs: My specs are Crysis 2 Ultra capable.

*Timeline of events before/after error: May 1st 2012 to present.

Notes. So get this i can log onto my room mates account on my pc and play just fine. I mean instant server load and playing. But when i log onto my account poof problems come back.

So it has something to do with my account. I bought the game, its not cracked or hacked. Steam can verify that. Please help because my room mate is back from vacation.

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I'm having the same problem. It says that all the servers are running 1.6 instead of 1.7

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it doesnt matter on my side. The only fix i have found is using my room mates account on my pc. If i go in with another GUID i can play just fine.

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i know more people are having problems with this other than me and you.

rocket please help!

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Rocket im telling you, its a badd bug.. i havent been able to play for months now. The only way i can play is if i change accounts. If i change accounts on my pc i can play just fine. but as soon as i log back onto my own steamid i get the error "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff." for every server. ive updated Battleye, 1.7 and tried latest beta patch for arma2. Please find the problem!

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Starting to feel like a loser posting all to myself. Hoping someone will see it that knows whats going on. So i had my friend log into my account and try to join a server and guess what happen. YUP! "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff."

So it has something to do with our accounts or battleye ID. I bought this game from steam store for 30$. Downloaded the 1.6.1 patch and started playing for 14 hours then poof unable to play anymore.

Is there a way i could change my battleye id (its legit so dont think im a script kiddie.)? Ive tried talking to steam but they said the problem isnt at their end...

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Ok found a temporary work around.. If you log off steam and go to program files/steam/stream apps/ common/ arma oa folder, click on - launch arma oa 2 beta patch. It was a instant load onto the shore. hope this works for you guys.

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