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Anyone else noticed....

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That zombies now can run in doors? (good :D) not all but I had 20 zeds follow me into NW airfield bunker and at least 6 carried on running?

Every Re-spawn is back on beach? (bad :@)

Ammo is re-spawning?

When you eat or drink...after new log in you are back in red but have lost your stuff you just consumed?

Zombie aggro is now like 50m (better but still blurgh!)

If your standing inside a fern tree you can shoot and no zombies will come running? (I know if you hide in one they cant see you lol)

Cows are moving really REALLY fast!?

Artifacting still here? (please link if there is news on a fix for

Zombies would randomly just sprint like 25m then stop and freeze?

Anyone getting any-more of these in game? if so any fix coming up? :D

Please no "STILLZ INZ ALPHAZ BRRAAAH!" I realise that... -_-

AllI want to know if anyone is having same problem :)

Thanks in advance!


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I don't give a fuck how many bugs the game has, I just want them to upgrade their piece of shit anti-cheat.

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I don't give a fuck how many bugs the game has, I just want them to upgrade their piece of shit anti-cheat.

Yeah it's pretty bad...

Well horribly bad to be honest. :lol:

I hear they've made it harder to dupe?

My group plays on the older version of DayZ so I play alone, but they used to dupe here n' there only after getting hacked.

Edited by CerebralZombie

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I rarely spawn on the shore line now when joining a server. At first it was about every 3rd or 2nd server hop.

That's what I dont get...like I Disconnected up at NW airfield due to shitty internet...logged in 5min later on same server.... back on shore...ok fair enough might look like ALT+F4 took it in the balls and heady to Balota airfield...logged off for night after that....

Logged on quickly to check position as filming later tonight and I was somewhere near Elektro? 12hr+ difference in log and it was an insta load as well? just plane weird lol :P no matter though as my bro is in Elektro Fire station :)

I don't give a fuck how many bugs the game has, I just want them to upgrade their piece of shit anti-cheat.

Luckily not had a bad run in with hackers but it is an issue that needs to be addressed...just not on this post :)


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I've read other posts that say the coast spawn bug is from corrupted position data when you force-quit because of a stuck loading screen. Not sure if that's actually the case, but all my coast spawns have happened after doing that.

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I've read other posts that say the coast spawn bug is from corrupted position data when you force-quit because of a stuck loading screen. Not sure if that's actually the case, but all my coast spawns have happened after doing that.

that would be the new "anti-server hopping" tool.. if you are "cought' relogging a times.. u get teleported to the coast..

if you're stuck on loading, you are officially "in the game" so shutting arma 2 down and launching it again to try another server, counts as "server hopping" and gets ur ass teleported back to the coast.. real nice if your camp is above NW Airfield >.<

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that would be the new "anti-server hopping" tool.. if you are "cought' relogging a times.. u get teleported to the coast..

if you're stuck on loading, you are officially "in the game" so shutting arma 2 down and launching it again to try another server, counts as "server hopping" and gets ur ass teleported back to the coast.. real nice if your camp is above NW Airfield >.<

Ok that's what I thought tbh....

Enough of re-spawning then...

WB the zombies running in doors?!?!

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Yeah...i kinda had that too... Zombies charging at me in those military tents. Was kinda surprised when they got to me that quickly! Unfortunately i dont have a clue why this happens.

And to the respawning: If that was the reason it would be pretty lame. Also because if you go on a server and its full of hackers so you therefor leave the server and go onto another one....you get to start over.

I for example was almost at the NW airfield and didnt just get spawned back at the shore but lost ALL my equip. I got no food no weapons no bandages nothing. Only thing i got left is my 10 zombies killed on the debug monitor and almost read hunger-indicator.

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The Bunkers on the Airfields seem to have spots where the zombies can run.

Sometimes they sprint, sometimes they just walk when they're trying to get me in there. In other buildings they still walk :)

Edited by Charger

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