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Colten (DayZ)

Coordinates... for various camps...

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Van thief's location

062, 028

Our base

073, 011

Vehicles (near base)

069, 010

New base (near Zelenogorsk)

102, 011

008/009 line, 081


018, 091


005, 077m


009, 071


004, 068


111, 012


140, 009


138, 010

NE CAMP (White truck)

138, 009


134, 014

010, 065

114, 007

131, 029

014, 086

007, 055

000, 040

000, 027

THERE IS A MAIN BASE LOCATED DIRECTLY IN PUSTOSHKA. Literally, IN PUSTOSHKA. They have vehicles, tents, etc... the town of Pustoshka is barricaded off..... plenty of goodies inside...

Skalisty Island also has a great number of tents with items available. There is also a chopper on that island, as well..

This is all located in Seattle 123. Go there. Have fun. You should all make a new home on that server, and bombard their bases constantly. It will be easy to follow their trends. It is becoming quite limited in terms of finding new spots to place their tents, so it shouldn't be hard to plot their new locations judging from their past camps. . . . . . . . . . .

~{SoH}~ is the clan. They told me to join a bandit crew, so I did. I don't think they expected me to actually post these coords. Enjoy it while you have them

They also have tents up around Guba, and black lake.

Alot of these tents are abandoned.. a LOT. Some may have some items in them, some may not... however, you will find high tier weaponry in some of them... (AS50s, M14s, M4s w/ silencer, etc etc etc). Anything you can think of. LITERALLY. RGO grenades, even...

Go to PUSTOSHKA first, then go from there. They will be waiting, I am almost certain... they are probably moving everything out as we speak. Move quick!

*** TIP ***

SCOUR THE OUTSKIRTS OF CHERNO/ELEKTRO/BEREZINO... they have tents set up in many areas... tents are EVERYWHERE...

You're a real dipshit... Childish at that. Why the hell would you do something like this? Haven't your parents taught you anything? You sir, are a Tool...

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i don't think parents teach video game etiquette.

Also, this is a game. people need to get over it. no amount of bitching will reverse what happened so fucking deal with it. this doesn't even effect anyone seeing as it is a video game that has no real life consequences or attachments.

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Gotta say, Coltons new clan should not trust him one bit. He is a backstabber, not to be trusted, so far what I can see. Never played with him before but he seems like a complete ass

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