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Possible Fix for Graphical glitch in

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I am sorry if this has been posted already. I looked thought some forums and didn't see it.

If you are still experiencing the artifact please give this a try. I have yet to try this out.

Nvidia fix- jimmysaint13

Okay, I did this and haven't had the graphics artifacting since, no matter what my in-game graphics settings are. I'm running a single GTX 560 TI and Windows 7.

First thing is you want to make sure your GPU drivers are up to date. Go to [1] nVidia's drivers site

and find your card and update that shit. No matter how recently you did it, just do it.

Second, go to your Start menu, then Control Panel, and then nVidia Control Panel. This is going to let you configure your card IF you have the latest drivers installed. I'm not even joking about the drivers thing, update that shit to whatever the site says you should have.

Once you have NVIDIA Control Panel open, on the left side of the window you should see "3D Settings." Go ahead and click the "+" sign to expand that down if it isn't already. After that category is expanded, click "Manage 3D settings."

Now, on the main part of the window, you should be looking at a box with two tabs. One of the tabs will be labeled "Global Settings." Click that one.

Scroll down until you see "Threaded optimization" and TURN THAT SHIT OFF. It should be set to "Auto" by default, but we're not even going to fuck around with that. Turn it off.

There. You're done, it's fixed. Exit NVIDIA Control Panel, if it asks if you want to save changes, you best save that shit.

Fire up DayZ and go ahead and look at some dead soldiers to your heart's desire (you sick fuck).

EDIT: Hey, ATI card users/wiz kids/geniuses, if ATI cards have a similar setting, go ahead and look into turning it off and see if it fixes the problem. If it does, spread the word about that shit.

EDIT2: Fuckin' S128K DELIVERS with a possible ATI fix. I don't have an ATI card so I can't test it, somebody get on that shit. [2] Here's his comment.

ATI fix-S128K

A quick google says you should be able to do it with ATI Tray Tools


Right click on the icon in the bottom right corner of your screen

Click on Tweaks

Click on Advanced Tweaks

In the drop down box select Multi Threaded Support

Change to 2 or 4 (Depending on how many cores you have on your CPU)

Make sure the radio box above is ticked

Click apply.

If it complains about a missing ATILDXXX or something you need to get the pre_12.1 or earlier drivers and extract the dll from them. Open the EXE using 7zip (Right click, 7Zip, Open Archive) and look for the folder $_OUTDIR\Packages\Drivers\Display\W76A_INF\B129753 shoudl be in there The B129753 folder will be named different depending on the version you download

Edit: If you can only find a file called atipdlxx.dl_ , right click on that and then 7Zip, Open Archive ( the .dl_ is a compressed archive...)

Source: http://www.reddit.co...for_nvidia_gpu/

Edited by EpOcH91
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Last i recalled artifacts were a server side issue and doing stuff from your PC won't effect it at all?

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actually it isn't really "server tied up in rendering"~

The issue seems to be on the client side~ so the possibility of being a problem with rendering/drivers/general graphics is very high.

Yesterday I enabled MT on my ATI card and had no glitches anymore on WN airfield. Today I will run again some tests on the NW field and later on SW airfield and Cherno to confirm it~

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actually it isn't really "server tied up in rendering"~

The issue seems to be on the client side~ so the possibility of being a problem with rendering/drivers/general graphics is very high.

Yesterday I enabled MT on my ATI card and had no glitches anymore on WN airfield. Today I will run again some tests on the NW field and later on SW airfield and Cherno to confirm it~

Alright. Let me know if it worked. I have yet to try it. I honestly haven't noticed the issue since Just thought I would post it for those who do.

Edited by EpOcH91

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for now it DID work for me on the NW field and SW field 2 days in row! (ATI card)

So as it seems~ it did the job! Until it breaks again (I hope never) ... big thanks for the info on that!

Edited by crckdns

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for now it DID work for me on the NW field and SW field 2 days in row! (ATI card)

wow your just on a loot frenzy aren't you, maybe save some loot for us?

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Did NOT work for myself or the three in my clan who tried it. We all had nvidia.

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try'd that few days ago and so far so good, in stary und nwaf it works, wasnt at other spots since then. (HD4890)

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wow your just on a loot frenzy aren't you, maybe save some loot for us?

Stop off-topic please :/

I was checking it on the airfields as most bugs I had were there.

Also it seems the fix is really working for ATI cards, as one of our squadmembers with ATI card did it and it helped, the other guy with nvidia has the bugs..

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Unfortunatly this didn't work for me (nVidia). :(

Well, I guess I'll keep using the "flush" command to fix it. If you don't know what it means:

Press left "Shift" key and hold it and then press Numpad "Minus", then release both keys and type "flush". You should get a "Receiving" message and the graphics in ArmA II should be reloaded. My artifacts are always fixed after 1-2 flushs.

Edited by System98

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Radeon HD 5850 1 GB, fix not working, but artifacts did change and seem less often/smaller.

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