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Someone tried to rape me?

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Little did I know people playing DayZ are sick wacko ass maniacs (actually, I knew that).

...and haven't reached puberty.

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I'm so sorry this happened to you... If you want, I can recommend you a good therapist so you can talk about what happened, and hopefully accept what happened to you.

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The support group for these kind of things meet on Thursdays in the Elektro school

Edit: I know this because...of a friend.

Edited by calthehunter

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LOL this, RP servers are full of fucking perverts

To be fair, this is hardly relegated to RP servers, or RPers - Some of RPers (and I use the term loosely here, because squeezing one out on the keyboard != RP) just happen to be, uh, open with their perversity.

More on topic - I lol'd. Having rolled up female and male toons on DayZ, I can note that bandits are much more likely to speak to you in a degrading way if your avatar is female, whereas males tend to just be shot at. One week of female char lets you hear 'bitch' more often than you might have heard in the whole of your life, interestingly enough.

Some time when I die in the future I'm going to make a femme char and the next time someone is all, "Bitch, drop the hatchet, bitch," I'm going to effect the deepest bass voice I can when I ask if this is going to be one of those rape things.

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To avoid such a kind of butt-hurt:

"hey sexy...." Don't let him finish his sentence. Shoot him. Twice or more. Check if he is dead, get his stuff and get the f... outta there.


Yep, you got raped.

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The op clearly consented to this lewd behaviour as can be seen in his post "so i really want to see what the conclusion is here.

'You're in charge, big boy ' I type." so in my option no rape took place.

The op stood their and allowed himself to be shot in the head twice and only one of them times with a gun, while listening to his partner over voice com.

Thankfully I can't see this mode of game play catching on.

I hope

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I would say the internet phrase of "pictures or it didn't happen"...but I think I'm going to go with the old fashion:


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I've found people cybering in the woods before. 2 separate groups actually. The first time I threw a grenade, and gunned down the survivors. The 2nd time I decided to have fun. I creeped up in the darkness just out of their campfire's light, and began breathing heavily and make some noises while I watched. Eventually they finished and sat around the fire, and I said "KEEP GOING" and one of em screamed and I rushed out with an ax and killed them.

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I've found people cybering in the woods before. 2 separate groups actually. The first time I threw a grenade, and gunned down the survivors. The 2nd time I decided to have fun. I creeped up in the darkness just out of their campfire's light, and began breathing heavily and make some noises while I watched. Eventually they finished and sat around the fire, and I said "KEEP GOING" and one of em screamed and I rushed out with an ax and killed them.


So we're talking swingers of dayz?

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