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US 2233 (2 days of submissions)

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I'm just going to submit a couple of days worth of logs here on the iffy stuff. If I'm wrong on one or two, please point it out so that I can not misunderstand if something is a hack or not in the future. I'm not going to post duplicate lines of people doing things multiple times. There's no point to it.

From createvehicle.log:

18.08.2012 19:32:09: kevin ( be3ec4bb2ef0c97fc82cb4daf70b1012 - #0 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 226:12 [7450,3026,11]

From remoteexec.log:

18.08.2012 18:08:38: Zozik ( b17428cef8748764feca09b5b6cf1ddb - #0 "anarray = ["ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoIvan","ActsPer cMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoStefan","ActsPercMstpS nonWnonDnon_DancingStefan","ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDn on_DancingZOZO"];player playmove (anarray select (floor(random(count anarray))));"

18.08.2012 18:09:39: MrWade ( 8d410646e87eecdfd74bf68e1121a45c - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"

18.08.2012 21:05:31: That guy ( cdaae9d3071ed54383c64c9459c94b41 - #8 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"

18.08.2012 21:23:58: Oh VinnyMac ( 322069b97682e325febd5d0e57f46f60 - #3 "

if (isServer) then {

_object = createVehicle ['UAZ_CDF', [11118.7, 2940, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

18.08.2012 22:10:09: [»©Я«] ShooterX ( 11caa120ad43afcaaa4f83252c0ac287 - #8 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '50833670') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"

18.08.2012 22:14:18: [»©Я«] The End ( 1ccfae1c7ca10042dc0702bd2a6f9e73 - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"

From scripts.log:

19.08.2012 17:32:58: Kunta ( 1c3bf07d2c85edd7ce5ac843e826a816 - #20 "cos(_dir), (_mypos select 2)];

_magicbox = createVehicle [_className, _mypos, [], 0, "NO_COLLIDE"];


19.08.2012 17:32:58: Kunta ( 1c3bf07d2c85edd7ce5ac843e826a816 - #69 "_COLLIDE"];

_magicbox setDir _dir;

_magicbox setposATL _mypos;

_dweapons = [



19.08.2012 17:32:58: Kunta ( 1c3bf07d2c85edd7ce5ac843e826a816 - #109 "kpackCargoGlobal _magicbox;

{_magicbox addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 50];} forEach _dweapons;


19.08.2012 17:32:58: Kunta ( 1c3bf07d2c85edd7ce5ac843e826a816 - #117 ", 50];} forEach _dmagazine;

{_magicbox addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x, 1];} forEach _dbackpack;

hint "L"

19.08.2012 17:32:58: Kunta ( 1c3bf07d2c85edd7ce5ac843e826a816 - #120 "ckpack;

hint "Load Complete";

sleep 120;

deleteVehicle _magicbox;"

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Some more submissions:

From createvehicle log:

21.08.2012 11:05:45: Dzeaz ( a42245fce82e8b148dba01701ff67533 - #2 "AmmoBoxBig" 559:13 [3422,2013,0]

21.08.2012 10:40:47: Armando ( 1918bcbf3e020cd8597b226fff51ad2a - #3 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 505:46 [7081,2534,7]

21.08.2012 09:50:26: Yowhatup ( 55f170b9030f7675b2169d967229a935 - #0 "RUVehicleBox" 362:521 [8435,2664,9]

21.08.2012 08:00:48: Kobra ( a45dc42f149b6a2dd6cc8f596558398d - #2 "AmmoBoxBig" 266:18 [7146,3014,28]

21.08.2012 06:11:07: Kontin ( c3113fb81e4ea1b73572114a79e4c4fa - #0 "AmmoBoxBig" 135:9 [10432,4627,214]

20.08.2012 03:53:51: Jimmy Rustler ( a7ff70988a82ebb0863b290ba9ad3035 - #2 "AmmoBoxBig" 177:6 [10993,2821,8]

From remote exec.log:

20.08.2012 03:28:17: Dexter ( a35caba6a1284f9f27be68f0fa4d0bb7 - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"

21.08.2012 05:45:12: TheHammeR ( bf23ec12928f7eb6591584a46aff75d5 - #0 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '38941766') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;" ((((NO IDEA WHAT THIS IS PLEASE CLARIFY BEFORE YOU BAN. It could be something legit))))

21.08.2012 07:40:31: -PMS- Gabe ( 1614f5aaa2c7c37de2c1b7218009024c - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"

21.08.2012 09:28:30: [CN]float ( 1b3f287d69622162506fefa6518487cd - #0 "

if (isServer) then {

_object = createVehicle ['hilux1_civil_1_open', [4041.3, 2505.8, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 7856.67, true];

dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];

_uid = _object call "

21.08.2012 09:28:30: [CN]float ( 1b3f287d69622162506fefa6518487cd - #3 "

if (isServer) then {

_object = createVehicle ['hilux1_civil_1_open', [4041.3, 2505.8, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

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and also:

21.08.2012 10:35:03: DirtyDNA ( 8d3feb9e230f3ca6287e88cc49095711 - #0 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '64882310') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"

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More from last night... had a lot last night.

22.08.2012 07:08:12: Swedish ( 619e1a2da179cedb1fa23d1fae0174ad - #8 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '2918662') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"

22.08.2012 06:10:01: BLACK_KAR ( ed542a25e829c888c618210641508b30 - #8 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"

22.08.2012 05:58:36: BobbyBrown ( 0540e82315030295fb601f559491a3c0 - #3 "

if (isServer) then {

_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Skoda', [4829.35, 2706.74, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

_dsasadsa setVariable ['ObjectID', 8835.02, true];

dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _dsasadsa];

_uid = _dsasadsa call "

21.08.2012 22:37:03: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #3 "

if (isServer) then {

_object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [4828, 9875, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 10630.8, true];

dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];

_uid = _object call dayz_objectUID;

21.08.2012 21:49:29: =BIA= ILLUMINATI ( f942f3a2214f0f0c32a1ddce55e34661 - #0 "if((getPlayerUID player) != '64993414') then{ _xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled; }"

21.08.2012 21:26:25: Exodusz ( 1d50e2b8e210bdc41afe79e18c93d972 - #3 "

if (isServer) then {

_object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [13298.6, 3846.54, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 5300.04, true];

dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];

_uid = _object call dayz_object"

21.08.2012 21:17:43: Felixbz ( 4790b78709eda7638560af08ee645c9b - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"

21.08.2012 20:55:12: jr ( ffadd9ab96401417d6c3c0baad8743d5 - #8 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '39648326') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"

21.08.2012 19:30:17: POOPYMCPOOPER PANTS ( 7bcbd13c8de6857413831396fc36c711 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"

also I have (covered in another thread) about 10 pages of a guy doing stuff like this.

4.21:2304) de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_HBarrier_large" 663:810 [-1012,15108,365]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_HBarrier_large" 663:811 [-1012,15108,365]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_HBarrier_large" 663:812 [-1012,15108,365]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "RU_WarfareBBarracks" 663:813 [-1011,15110,364]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "RU_WarfareBBarracks" 663:814 [-1011,15110,364]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "RU_WarfareBBarracks" 663:815 [-1011,15110,364]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "RU_WarfareBBarracks" 663:816 [-1011,15110,364]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "RU_WarfareBBarracks" 663:817 [-1011,15110,364]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "RU_WarfareBBarracks" 663:818 [-1011,15110,364]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "USMC_WarfareBBarracks" 663:819 [-1013,15113,363]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "USMC_WarfareBBarracks" 663:820 [-1013,15113,363]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "USMC_WarfareBBarracks" 663:821 [-1013,15113,363]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "USMC_WarfareBBarracks" 663:822 [-1013,15113,363]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "USMC_WarfareBBarracks" 663:823 [-1013,15113,363]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "USMC_WarfareBBarracks" 663:824 [-1013,15113,363]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_Fort_Watchtower" 663:825 [-1012,15109,366]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_Fort_Watchtower" 663:826 [-1012,15109,366]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_Fort_Watchtower" 663:827 [-1012,15109,366]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_Fort_Watchtower" 663:828 [-1012,15109,366]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_Fort_Watchtower" 663:829 [-1012,15109,366]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_Fort_Watchtower" 663:830 [-1012,15109,366]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_Fort_Watchtower" 663:831 [-1012,15109,366]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_Fort_Watchtower" 663:832 [-1012,15109,366]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_Fort_Watchtower" 663:833 [-1012,15109,366]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_Fort_Watchtower" 663:834 [-1012,15109,366]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_Fort_Watchtower" 663:835 [-1012,15109,366]

21.08.2012 22:35:29: Mike ( de43366379499e7d6cdc418772ad9bdf - #0 "Land_Fort_Watchtower" 663:836 [-1012,15109,366]

Needed a full reset to fix it.

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