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My bud saved my bacon.

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So ever since my friend and I found NVG (And i let him have it without him having to kill me), he's been sticking to night servers primarily. Beckoned me into one as well. So I make my way in pitch blackness toward Stary from west of Pustoshka. We're on skype. I get closer and even though he's on the NE side, he says he can see my flashlight all the way on the SW side as i come through the grocers. I get closer and log out temporarily to fix graphic glitches. I was getting from the tent region. sign back in, and I let him know "I'm not going to want to turn my flashlight on and possibly lead someone to you, but I will need it to get clear of the houses. I'll use a chemlight and you navigating me once i get clear of the majority of zombies.

I get out of the red brick building and make my way NE and frogger past a couple zombies. I turn off my light, I throw a chemlight to the ground and pick it up. It's the nice, soft blue one. *Pop* I see a muzzle flare to the east.

Me: "Are you shooting?"

Before he can even respond, The muzzle flare breaks again, I take damage. I drop the chemlight and start crouch running north. *Pop, pop!* My legs are broken.

Me: "I'm being shot from the east, do you see him??"

Him: "I see him."

The bandit was killed almost instantaneously after. I bandage and morphine up. There is no way i'm gonna turn on my flashlight.

Him: "Do you have an AK!?"

Me: "N-no, i'm going prone. Do you see someone else?"

Another person is killed right after. There are only 5 people on the server, ourselves included. My friend checks out the body first, with me pleading for him to lead my blind ass over to the body. Our haul? He gets the Coyote backpack the bandit had, I get the NVG. Some extra stanag for me. a GPS for him. All in all, it's rather nice getting such a nice haul for being unintentional bait. ;D

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pop ..pop..watching motherfuckers drop.

Always good to have someone watching out when you get in a shitty sitch :) Hope you gave your mate some beanz.

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its always good having someone there to drop the motherfucker shooting at you .peace of mind ! you just gotta make sure their a damn good shot ! :beans: ;)

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