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Server Admin [Commands]

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Im just whondering what admin got for kind of commands? Does the got the power to spawn with some items? Do he got any commands in the server execpt kick/ban and that? Any shoutout or such? :o

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We can kick, ban and restart. That's about it...

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The following commands are available to you once you have connected to a server:


Command Example Description #login password

  • #login adminPW

Log in as the admin #logout Admin log out #mission filename

  • #mission myDM.intro

Select mission with known name #missions Select mission #restart Restart mission #reassign Start over and reassign roles #shutdown Shuts down the server #init Reload server config file loaded by –config option #exec ban (name, ID or Player#)

  • #exec ban nickName
  • #exec ban 47114712
  • #exec ban 3

Allows you to ban a player. Their ID will be added to the ban.txt #kick (name, ID or Player#)

  • #kick nickName
  • #kick 47114712
  • #kick 3

Allows you to kick a player #monitor (interval in sec)

  • #monitor 1

Shows performance information of the server. Interval 0 means to stop monitoring #debug off

  • #debug off

Disables debbuging. #debug (interval in sec)

  • #debug 30

Default interval is 10 seconds. #debug (command) (param)

  • #debug checkFile expansion\Dta\ui.pbo
  • #debug userSent <username>
  • #debug userInfo <username>
  • #debug userQueue <username>
  • #debug JIPQueue <username>
  • #debug totalSent 10

The available commands are:

  • checkFile
  • userSent
  • userInfo
  • userQueue
  • totalSent
  • JIPQueue

Each command command can be disabled by off instead parameter e.g. '#debug userSent off'

Each command differs bit some output to screen, some to log file etc.

You need some debugger capable of catching OutputDebugString running on the client machine

(one very small and easy to use is available at SysInternals website.

You launch this debugger, you launch ARMA client, connect to the server, issue any of commands #debug (command)

  • #debug von
  • #debug console

The available commands are:

  • Console
    • send to submitter what's on server console , works as DebugAnswer for all writes into the console


    • outputs into logFile defined in server.cfg as e.g. logFile = "server_console.log";

Each of those commands should show a confirmation in the chat channels.

New admin commands since Armed Assault: Command Description #exec server side command Execute administration scripting command #lock Locks the server, prevents new clients from joining #unlock Unlocks the server, allows new clients to join


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This debugg command..

#debug off

  • #debug off

Disables debbuging.

Is that the glitch bug that you can turn on and off? :o

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Ban commands are currently not working at the moment. To ban a player, you must use #userlist and get his user id #. Then simply type it in the ban.txt on your server.

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I logged as the admin in my server so I could start banning hackers. It was only after I logged in that a LOT of people started getting kicked by battleeye for create vehicle restriction #1. It only seemed to happen if they were trying log in for the first time. Any help on this one?

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I logged as the admin in my server so I could start banning hackers. It was only after I logged in that a LOT of people started getting kicked by battleeye for create vehicle restriction #1. It only seemed to happen if they were trying log in for the first time. Any help on this one?

For this, all you should need to do is go into your cfgdayz\battleye directory and edit the first line of createvehicle.txt. Make the first number on this line says the number 1 rather than number 5. That should make the Create Vehicle Restriction 1 kick cease.

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Just checked it and it appears to already be a 'one'. I guess this corrected itself when I reinstalled to update on my server as well as the Battleeye update.

Thanks for the response!

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