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Suggestion for excessive wire fencing

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Many, many servers are plagued with major cities FULL of abandoned wire fencing. When I started playing, I thought it was a cool idea, but it got to a point where I was getting denied access to the better part of crucial survival areas in major cities by people that aren't even logged in. Duping and scripting add to the problem, but that is another topic. I seem to have a very difficult time finding a toolbox, and I think I may have found more GPS's than I have toolboxes, yet I tend to find fencing kits rather consistently. It wouldn't be so terrible if only newer spawns and undergeared people had issues with fencing, but even when I find myself geared to the teeth, I rarely have a toolbox when playing solo. With the tents and vehicles being terribly unreliable for saving gear, populated servers seem to be restarted less and less, and unmanned fencing can quickly become an epidemic on a server.

I rarely, if ever, see entrenching tools and sandbags, so they have yet to prove themselves as a problem. Tank and bear traps are a different story though. They are small, require tactical use, but can be a pain to find. Rarely will 1 tank trap or 1 bear trap shut down an entire area of a high traffic building, but when used correctly, can give a massive tactical advantage against player and zombie alike. Tank traps are excellent for funneling traffic around and inside buildings, and bear traps serve as a great tool for covering your back inside buildings. Neither are easily spammed to make an area impassible, yet can still give a massive advantage to a player that uses them wisely. The only way I can envision to fix the issue without changing realism or immersion is to tweak the rarity of the items. Keep the toolbox and entrenching tool relatively rare, but drop the rarity of wire kits down to that of sandbags. In turn, crank up the commonality of bear traps to that of tank traps. Players will find them more often, use them more often, and learn that they are ineffective if used incorrectly. Before you knock the idea of more bear traps, at this stage, they are pretty unreliable. Honestly, wire fences are more efficient at breaking a players legs, lol.

TL:DR: Make wire fencing as rare as sandbags. Make bear traps as common as tank traps. It will reduce fence spamming and encourage tactical equipment usage without effecting immersion.

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I see tank traps in almost every building, and I have never seen a bear trap, except once when my friend had one, but we all died shortly after. I find toolboxes somewhat often though. In short, bear traps shouldn't be as common as tank traps, but still more common.

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i find toolboxes somewhat often my only issue is that i can't remove them sometimes because of their positioning make it easier to remove and make the toolbox a 2,3% percent loot and it would stop of being a so annoying issue :) .

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wire fencing is the best for torturing noobs.

grab 3 ~4 wire fencing then go to the hospital of a major city, then inside of the glass set up a row of installed fencing so that any players who dont have a tool box cant get in regardless of breaking the glass or not

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Considering the setting of rural Russian farms, I would imagine bear traps to be a LOT more common.

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well i would like to have less common wire fences but a little bit more common sandbags...

Why sandbags more common?

Because you can simply jump over them instead of a wire fence inside a building and they affect zombies -> they have another use than "looking nice" / playergriefing

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