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Post Hoc

stuck on loading

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There is a server where i had a tent filled with goodies but it has not updated to .5 yet, so i downgraded to .4 so i can grab my loot. Unfortunately i get stuck on loading whenever i try to join it. other people are playing on the server, and i can play on other servers running .4 too. I need to get to that tent, what can i do to make it work?

FYI the server name says (, but dayz commander says its 95885.

Edited by Post Hoc

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well there are a couple of ways to get to work this.

on dayz commander you could always downgrade to the arma2 patch to match the server you are trying to get into. Also when downgrading the dayz build patch from 2.5 to 2.4 there will always be a very long loading screen mainly cause you will be spawning on the coast, it's a known bug when upgrading or downgrading from a dayz build.

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Personally, I would just forget about that tent. It's not like you'll keep it forever anyways. Not to mention, loot is easy to get. I would just move on and get a new tent and place it somewhere.

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