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Statik (DayZ)

Am I ready, or do I need more gear? Animals not dropping meat.

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Today I looted the NW airfield mainly looking for a sniper, but instead I came out with M4A1 CCO, M14 AIM, M9SD, GPS, Compass, Map, 6.5k blood, and some other goodies (with plenty of ammo for all my guns). I didn't get my sniper, but I think that the M14 AIM might be decent for that. But am I ready to go player hunting? Or should I look for anything else (I know NVG and something like a DMR or M24 would be nice, but I don't have them). I didn't record any of this, but IF you watched my Let's Play, and IF I'm ready to go player hunting what should I do (AKA what would be interesting for me to do?). Also I killed a rabbit and a goat at the NW airfield and gutted them; it told me how many steaks were on the carcass, but it would not let me search the carcass to get the meat. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

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Today I looted the NW airfield mainly looking for a sniper, but instead I came out with M4A1 CCO, M14 AIM, M9SD, GPS, Compass, Map, 6.5k blood, and some other goodies (with plenty of ammo for all my guns). I didn't get my sniper, but I think that the M14 AIM might be decent for that. But am I ready to go player hunting? Or should I look for anything else (I know NVG and something like a DMR or M24 would be nice, but I don't have them). I didn't record any of this, but IF you watched my Let's Play, and IF I'm ready to go player hunting what should I do (AKA what would be interesting for me to do?). Also I killed a rabbit and a goat at the NW airfield and gutted them; it told me how many steaks were on the carcass, but it would not let me search the carcass to get the meat. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

What sniper are you looking for? DMR, M24, AS50, M107, CZ550, M14 AIM.

DMR is i think the only (sniper) rifle that can use NVGs. All others are mainly used during the day.

As long as you have a melee weapon or a pistol you're good for player hunting, it just depends if you're good enough to kill someone with a melee or a pistol. you dont particularly need a sniper to kill.

As for animal meat. After killing it, you gut it, it will tell you how many steaks are on the body. hover over the body once again and open up it's inventory. After doing so you can use the left/right arrows to transfer the meat to your bags or main inventory. ( make sure you have room )

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Sometimes after gutting an animal there's a delay before you can collect the meat from the carcass.

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Thanks bandit that answered my second question. And I knew all that Roko. I would prefer a M24, but was I was mainly wondering is right now should I be player hunting? or should I keep looking for my M24. Thanks for the help, I'll probably just player hunt now.

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