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Bant from US 2297

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Player Name: Fluffernuggets

Server US 2297 hosted by #ufd

Admin from host group on at both times Nick #ufd

Banned for BE h4xx0rzzz at 10:40pm 8/18/2012 .

Banned again at 3:30pm 8/19/2012.

I do not hack. I was not using hate speak nor causing any disruption.

The one that happened last night came with the same childish taunting manner that the most recent one came with.

Last night I was running through Elektro, looking for food camo clothing etc. Ran towards a gas station on my way towards cherno and out of the corner of my eye I spotted someones foot sticking through a wall. So I crept over there, peaked in, guy was alive, ducked back down "friendly". Turned out he had a broken leg, went and fetched some morphine, with some additional for myself, along with bloodbags and bandages. Went back, tried to give the guy some morphine, was unable to do so, debug was having a fit, the kind of fit that happens when someone around is using a 15 dollar hack commonly known as "This Game Sucks". Anyways, when I came back I was standing inside a corpse, didn't realise it right away, issued the morphine, looked behind me, almost crapped myself seeing what looked to be a live person standing before me with a 1911 pointed at me. It was a corpse, my corpse, dunno what caused that glitch but whatever. As the guy I helped out and I talked Nick #ufd, I think the only admin on at the time for that server, said over global "Hackers are not welcome! " blah blah blah, no idea who he was addressing. Figured it was someone closer to him, or perhaps the guy I was helping out. "Nor is associating with hackers allowed." well ok w/e "You know who you are." wow seems threatening towards whoever that was directed to . Suddenly (Battle Eye (banned h4x0rzzzzz)) pops up on my screen and I am no longer holding a conversation with a relatively friendly and new player but wondering just what had happened. So I left the report of that incident in the wrong place.

Turns out the locals there had their 'base' raided and destroyed and I guess I was on at around that time earlier in the day. I was just on with a few people earlier that morning, given that I used to be part of a clan that frequents that server. Well I suppose we're all taking the blame for that base being crashed, though all I recall is just moving to elektro, getting an alice pack, then heading off towards stary sabor after losing a truck to a pair of popped wheels and not being able to find it after I had found replacement tires. Did not find any of the vehicles that spawn at stary, so aborted with plans on maybe making a base later on in the same server.

Check the logs though, I looted the store in elektro, hospital if I remember right, drove that truck a bit and left.

The most recent one, well I ran around a bit, my debug was off. I went around Some towns in the North West by the airfield given my last log was around there anyways from another server. Figured get a can of beans and maybe find a map or compass at least. Nothing ever spawned, my debug monitor never showed and there was a lack of any zombies spawning near me.Over their global chat directed towards me given I had spoken with a former clan mate from ZyG|(back biters all ) about the incident on that server the night before and they were addressing me directly through global chat and said "BE logs show". Show what? So I ask you, please, go review the logs on US 2297 for anything Fluffernuggets (me) may have been doing wrong. Then decide for yourself what to do with the poorly misguided hosts of their server.

Remind them of rule 11 .

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you was reported and global banned get a life, You was a member of my crew and showed your true colors...........You are not welcome here nor is any of your hacking CREW. WE GOT RID OF YOU CAUSE YOU WAS A HACKER. 2297 is a PRIVATE HIVE so go #### yourself!

Edited by ~HAWKEYE~

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Your a lil b!tch and a fucking hacking lil B1TCH you was reported and global banned get a life, You was a member of my crew and showed your true colors...........You are not welcome here nor is any of your hacking CREW. WE GOT RID OF YOUR ASS CAUSE YOU WAS A HACKER. Don't start this crybaby sh!t now. 2297 is a PRIVATE HIVE so go F@#k yourself!

You really sound like you need to chill out, and maybe check up on how you use grammar..

Edited by RotorGod

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Regardless off all the BS I just read through I think the most important thing here is this:

OP, US 2297 is apparently an Private Hive. "... Remind them of rule 11," doesn't apply here. They can do whatever they want. You have no recourse.

(With the caveat that I don't know for sure -- and can't be assed to go look -- if US 2297 is a private hive or not.)

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yea haha I'll calm down DAD....... seeing how ppl think they can tell others what to do!

Edited by ~HAWKEYE~

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